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"Y/n!" Bruno shouted as he used his zipper man to zip the hole on my stomach. "Well, that doesn't change a thing since I was planning on killing you anyway." Diavolo said. "Your welcome." I said coughing out blood. "As I was saying my King Crimson's power is to erase time!" He said as he use his stand to skip time when a miracle frickin g happened and my stand just had the same powers as King Crimson.

'What am I? Jotaro fighting Dio? Welp I should've road roller da Diavolo. Wait, stop thinking of that Y/n part 3 is already done focus here. So, I can still move on the skipped seconds but dad still doesn't know... i'm gonna fight him using my stand that has the same powers as his. I don't know how is it possible but ok.' I thought. Slapped dad in the face while the he was still using King Crimson.

"What the--?!" Dad said as he resumed time. "Haha! I have the same stando powah as you Dad!" I said feeling a bit confident. "Impossible." He said. I smirked and said "It is possible. Since i'm your mother fudging child." I said. We then have an epic battle but sort of lost since my dad is more good at using his stando powah than me so Bruno was here about to die.

"Not on my watch! Celeste heal him or something like what you did to Mista!" I commanded Celeste as I feel Bruno's pulse. While Celeste was healing him I was doing CPR and no I did not kiss Bruno while doing CPR. "Come on, come on, come on, come on." I mummbled repeatedly as I do CPR on Bruno. I felt warm tears falling down my eyes as I do the CPR. "Goddamit y/n your so useless, useless, useless." I muttered as I wipe my tears as I continued to do the CPR.

Then I heard footsteps. I looked to see it was Giorno. "Giorno! Over here help me heal Bruno! I can't..I can't feel his pulse!" I shouted to him while in tears while doing CPR. He then ran to me and healed Bruno. "Giorno, Y/n, It's me...hurry up and call Abbachio and the rest! Get out of this place now!" Bruno said. "Great! Bucciarati you're alright!" Giorno said as he helped Bruno get up. "Hurry! Warn them! I still haven't uncovered the boss's identity yet!" Bruno said. "Giorno! Get out of here while he's still some distance away from us!" Bruno continued.

"There's no time! Hurry Giorno!" Bruno said. Giorno then turned the laptop into a living creature that would be a signal for the gang. Then the gang began to shout "Giorno's there!" "Giorno you're not suppose to be there! Come back here!" "Bruno is there too!" "Why is Y/n and Trish still here?!"

While they were shouting stuff I pulled out my handkerchief as I coughed and covered my mouth with my (colour) handkerchief. When I looked at my handkerchief I realized. I was coughing blood. 'Damn, after I became a donut I was coughing ketchup.' I thought. I put my handkerchief back on my pocket as I tried to keep calm while a lot of weird stuff is happening to me.

"Giorno, thanks to you I was able to live again." Bruno said to Giorno. 'Ex-fucking-cuse me? Pardon? I was crying while doing CPR to you and you're thanking Giorno?!' I thought. "Now I know why everyone was scared of the boss. We can't defeat him right now. We need to retreat and find his weakness." Bruno said to Giorno. "Bruno, Y/n actually was the one who healed you I just helped her." Giorno said surprising Bruno. "Thank you, Y/n." He said. "No problem, kill my father for me." I said jokingly.

Bruno then put on Trish on the boat as I step in and sat beside her. "Could you explain to us what is happening right now?" Abbachio asked to Bruno. "Alright I'll cut to the chase. I can't explain too much right now so i'll just summarize it. Since I brought Y/n and Trish back that means I have betrayed the boss! Let's settle now! If you follow me you'll be labeled as traitors as well!" Bruno explained. Everyone was shookt at what he said.

After what he said that I got my handkerchief out as I began to cough again. 'I'm a having a Breakdown! Breakdown! Haha, i'm coughing my blood out. It taste like iron or metal...metal..Metallica! Jojo reference!' I thought. I looked at my handkerchief that looks like some girl used this as her napkin.

I then looked at the boys who was on the stairs and was thinking twice about getting on the boat. 'Come on Fugo! Join us! If you don't join us you'll be as useless as Sakura from Naruto!' I thought as my fingers were crossed. In the end Fugo didn't come. What a coward! Now I miss him ;-;.

Then Narancia came along swiming towards us saying "I'm the same as Trish!" And stuff. When he got on the boat I asked "You said you got betrayed by your friends right? W-well, you don't need to answer if you don't like to." I said to Narancia. "Yep, I did." He said looking down. "I don't know about Trish, but I know I didn't got betrayed by friends." I said. "How lucky." Narancia muttered. "Cuz I don't have friends." I said then the whole boat got silent.

"Woah, everything got serious so quickly I was just joking about myself even though it is true I have no friends just a Nazi grandpa." I said. "Wait you have a Nazi grandpa?" Narancia asked. "Yeah, he would always say 'You utter fool! German science is the best science in the world!' "I said copying what my grandpa Stroheim would always say.

<<To Be Continued<<<<<

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