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"This is Venice's city hall entrance...looks like the city hall parking lot.." Bruno said looking at the picture. "You have to get the disk the enemy is already following me! Getting Y/n and Trish to safety is the most improtant part of the mission! No matter what happens Y/n and Trish's saftey must be ensured! My mission ends here." Pelicoro explained. "I wish you all good luck! The boss gave a good-for-nothing like me a whole new different life. You musn't leave any evidence. Teach those ungrateful bastards for me." Pelicoro said as he pointed the gun at his head and shot himself.

Everyone was shock about Pelicoro dying. I clapped my hands together and prayed for the poor man. "May you rest in peace." I mummbled. Narancia saw me praying so he prayed too. "May you rest in peace." He said. After that we split into two groups. Mista and Giorno went together to grab the disk. While the others went with us. After we split ways I talked to Fugo since we never really talked yet. I told him about my cousin which was German and is really good in science and loves science.

I also asked Fugo some questions in algebra that I didn't understand. He gave me a piece of paper and an algebra problem. I did the problem and showed Fugo my solution. "You did the signs wrong. You're suppose to make this negative." Fugo explained. "Oh, thanks now I understand." I said. "You teach Narancia math too, right? What are you teaching him?" I asked. "I'm teaching him multiplication." Fugo answered. "Multiplication? But isn't he like 17?" I said to Fugo. Fugo only nodded. I snickered. "What are you laughing at?" Fugo asked. "It's so ironic." I said.

"What's ironic?" He asked. "It's so ironic. Because Narancia is like 17 and you're 16 and you're teaching him." I said. "Yeah, it is pretty ironic." He said. Then, I felt a vibration on my bag. It was my phone. I opened to see it was my brother.

Big Scary Monster( ̄^ ̄)
Y/n I have a question.

Did you get yourself a pussy?

Big Scary Monster( ̄^ ̄)
I am about to if you answer my question.

Ok, tell me the question then.

Big Scary Monster( ̄^ ̄)
What kind of wine does a man like?

Why are you asking me that i'm only 15 I can't drink bruh.

Big Scary Monster( ̄^ ̄)
Just search on the internet! This girl was asking me what kind of wine I like.


'I can't search on the internet using a flip phone...i'll just ask Abbachio.' I thought. I looked at Abbachio which was beside me. "What kind of wine do you like Abbacio?" I asked. "Why do you want to know?" Abbachio asked. I showed him my message with my brother. "What does it have to do with my favorite wine?" Abbachio asked. "I don't really know what to answer to my brother so I asked you since you like wine and you're a man." I said. Then, he started a 30-minute lecture about wine and kinds of wine.

And I ended up typing red wine to my brother. 'My plan is to make Fugo close to me so he won't be a pussy and come with us to betraying bossu! And then I will be close with Abbachio since he's chill.' I thought. 'That's a great plan.' I thought to myself. After a few minutes of talking to Abbachio and Fugo I hear Narancia say outside coco jumbo "Bucciarati, we're approaching our destination and I detect two people there." Narancia said to Bruno. And at that moment I knew something hilarious was gonna happen, but I can't remmember. "Everything else is quiet. No one else is near!" Narancia said.

"Approach them carefully it may be Giorno and Mista! Everything must be alright so they're waiting for us there." Bruno said to Narancia. "Hey over here! Mista! Gior..." Narancia stopped talking. I drank my water when I realized what precious boi Narancia just saw and I choked myself with water. "Are you okay? What happened?" Fugo asked. "I was drinking water when I remembered something funny, nothing to worry about." I said. "Hey what's wrong is it them?" Bruno asked Narancia. "Aaaahhh! A dust flew into my eyes so I can't see if it's them or not!" Narancia said as he rubbed his eyes.

'Yep, he totally saw it. He saw Giorno giving Mista the succ.' I thought. After that we regrouped and insert the disk in the laptop. Then a text appeared in the laptop.

Is everything alright?
Thank you all for protecting my daughters!

"Fugo, do you see our destination?" Bruno asked. "Yes, 200km from our position." Fugo said to Bruno. "Alright, continue forward." Bruno said. "Nothing curious around it!" Narancia said. "Confirming the boss's orders carefully proceed forward." Bruno said. Then we all listened to the boss's orders, but I didn't listen since I already know what to do after reading the manga and watching the anime. "The boss..is at the top of the tower?" Narancia said. " He really is careful, but this is what he has become what he is today." Fugo said. "But our mission will be accomplished soon that is good for us." Abbachio said. "What a pain, finally I can relax in Venice for a few days." Mista said. "The food here looks pretty good." Mista continued.

"Really, what kind of dishes are there?" Narancia asked Mista. "Some dishes are really bad, but dishes like Seppia dipped in oil and meats served in cichetties are good." Mista explained. "I just want some right now." Fugo muttered. "Hey, Narancia watch your radar! We can't relax yet." Bruno said to Narancia. "I'm gonna miss you guys, you guys have been my very first friends I ever had." I said smilling, but after I said that I think I made the mood turned to a bit sad after I said it. "But, we'll see each other next time, right?" I said. "Yeah, next time." Mista muttered. Then, it was dead quiet. 'Oh shit I ruined everyone's mood.' I thought.

"Bucciarati, I vonlunteer myself to take Y/n and Trish to the tower." Giorno said.

<<To Be Continued<<<<<

(Happy Christmas and Merry New Year :D)

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