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Sorry guys I can't make another chapter because me and my family are a bit busy getting ready for christmas so I can't write a chapter today, so I just made this.


It was a really boring day. I was just staring at the ceiling when all of a sudden I saw two cockroach walked passed me. I grabbed my slipper and slapped the cockroaches with the slippers. Then I had an idea of playing with the cockroaches. I looked around and saw an ambulance toy. I went back to where the cockroaches are they still haven't move. I cam see their arms moving, but they can't really go away since I laid them upside down. I also grabbed two cotton buds.

I approached the cockroaches. I then drove over the other cockroach with the ambulance toy and said "Oh, shit you hit somebody dude." "Somebody put him to the hospital." I said to myself. "Who's this?" I said to myself again. "It's Yoshikage Kira." I said then I put the cockroach in the ambulance and started to move the ambulance and said 'wee woo wee woo.'

"What are you doing?" Mista said as he walked in to me playing with cockroaches. "Shh, just watch." I said. "Wee woo wee woo, what happened to that man, sir." I said to myself. "I accidentaly hit him." I replied to myself. "Ok, ok, put him on the bed." I said. I dragged the cockroach out of the ambulance toy. When the roach was out of the ambulance I used the two cotton buds as the thing that has like the electric thingy. Mista snickered at what I did. "Ok, Kira we're gonna do it ok." I said to the cockroach. "Clear!" I said as I pressed the two cotton buds to the roach's body. "Clear!" I said again, but louder and pressed the cotton buds to the roach's body again. "cLeAr, hahahahha." I said again as I pressed the cotton to the roach. "100 volts. Clear! Clear! Mother fucker clear!" I said while repeating my action.

Mista then grabbed the other roach by it's antenna and dragged it near to the other roach and said "You mother fucker, Kira stay alive." I then shouted "CLEAR!" As I pressed the cotton buds again. "Live Kira, Live you fucker." Mista said. Then me and Mista flipped both of the cockroaches upside down. "To be or not to be that is the question, urgh." I said as I pretended that the Kira cockroach died as well as the other cockroach. "The End." Mista said. Then I heard clapping. I looked at the doorway and saw that the whole gang saw the thing also Trish. "What an amazing show." Bruno said. "It was all Y/n's ide--" Mista said, but he was disturbed by me running behind Giorno's back. "Kira came back to fucking life! Holy shit it's flying! Kira became a helicopter! Shiitttt it's flying to me! AHHHHHHHHH!" I said running away to the flying cockroach.

I looked behind me and the cockroach jumped to my face and I screamed so loud I think my vocal cords broke.

<<To Be Continued<<<<<

Edit: I'm bacc so i'm gonna start making a real chapter now even if it's christmas. My brain won't stop nagging me about making a chapter so yeah, Expect another chapter tomorrow or later.

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