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After that Pericolo just told the gang about Trish's backstory and My backstory of how I Diavolo had an affair with my mom then I was born. "I'm gonna go to the restroom..Do you mind?" Trish said. "Go ahead Trish." Pericolo said to Trish. "I'll go too." I said as I ran to Trish.

(A/n: Y/n's clothes she will be wearing today is the clothes she wore in Chapter 7.)

Then, Trish came out of the restroom. Trish got out first since I was still struggling to get in my outfit. When I was finished I saw that Fugo wasn't wearing his shirt. "What did I miss?" I asked. Giorno was shocked when he saw me. "Y/n?" Giorno asked. "Yes, what is it?" I asked. "You guys know each other?" Narancia said. "Yeah, we were classmates." I said. "Y/n, you're the boss's daughter?" Giorno asked. "I know right? I'm surprised as well." I said to him. "Are you ok of me killing your father? Since that was part of my plan to clean Italy from drugs." Giorno whispered.

"Yeah, i'm alright. I'll also support you if you want. I mean, not that I hate him I just never knew him so I couldn't careless if you killed him." I said. "Thanks for the support Y/n, but I can do this alone." Giorno said. "That's not gonna stop me from supporting you I have a stand to help me." I said. The gang members were shocked about what I said. "I should've known that you were a stand user. You were the Boss's daughter so it's normal for you to have a stand." Bucciarati said. "What does your stand do?" Narancia asked.

"Well...it's a secret~" I said playfully.

After that we went into a rental van I was between Giorno and Fugo. It was a really boring ride. My eyes were about to shut down, but if I fell asleep my head will lean into either Giorno or Fugo. So, I tried to keep my eyes from not closing when I had an idea of socializing with people to make my situation easier. "Hey, You're Fugo, right?" I asked. "Yeah." He said. "Can I lean on your shoulder i'm a bit sleepy. It's okay if you don't want to i'll just go ask Giorno." I said. I saw that Fugo's cheeks turned a bit pink, but I didn't notice it since I was so sleepy. "Y-yeah, i'm okay wit--" but before he finished his sentence my eyes shut down and my head was already leaning on his shoulder.

-/Inside y/n's dream/-

(This is just a filler so you can just scroll past this if you don't want to know about y/n's dream)

"Hahaha! I'm your leader now!" I said as everyone in the Passione bowed down to me. "Here's your mountain dew lady y/n." One of the Passione members said then he kissed my size 13 nikes. "I'm so tall now!" I said.

Everything is so colorful like I was on drugs. My room was really big and the wallpaper of my room are memes. Then I had a party with Shrek and Ricardo Milos and the other memes. Then, Shaggy teached me how to have powers like him and we had an epic fight with Saitama and Ricardo Milos and Shrek and Thanos.

Then, Thanos snapped his fingers...

I woke up and we were almost to our destination. I rubbed my eyes after waking up. "You're finally awake." Fugo said. 'Wait--! Isn't that a meme...' I thought. After that we got to our destination which was a vineyard. We got inside and Bruno said there wasn't enough space so we're gonna share rooms. I raised my hand and said "Can I share with Trish?"

"I was gonna pair you two together, but you already said it. You two share the same room." Bruno said. I got to our bedroom and sat on top bunk. "Hey Trish, Can I ask you a question?" I asked to Trish which was sitting on the bottom bunk. "Can we talk? I mean, since we're like step-sisters why don't we get along together?" I asked. "Sure, I have no one to talk to anyway." She said.

Then, we started to talk to each other. Well, At first I was the only one who talked a lot then she talked to me more as time went by. It turns out she was older than me in months.

(A/n: Just pretend she's older than you in a few months.)

"I'm just gonna call someone." I said as I went out of our bedroom. I called my brother since I know he'll be worried about me even though we always fight. I took a breath and called my brother.


"Y/n? Where have you been?! I've been finding you for two days where are you?!"

"Yo, look i'm in a sleepover for a week with my friends okay? No need to worry."

"You don't have friends! Are you kidnapped?! Tell me where you are!"

"Bro, why you gotta do me like that."

"Stop playing around and tell me where you are papa's been worried about you too!"

"Why did you tell papa! He'll get worse!"

"I can't keep it a secret from him, Anyway! Stop changing the subject i'm worried about you. Where even are you."

"I'm not telling you."

"Y/n, stop being a child."

"Shut up you're not my mom!"

"I don't want to lose you like how I lost mom."

"Shut up, Don't worry about me and get yourself some wife so I can be an aunt."


"Get yourself some pussy!"


I ended the call. I turned around and saw that Trish was listening to my call. "Spill the tea." Trish said to me.

<<To Be Continued<<<<<

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