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After the trip the gang was talking about stealing a car or something outside coco jumbo. 'Okay Y/n, let's flashback on what happening. I was dragged into a gang and was told that my dad was a mafia boss then I met the anime boys I always loved then, I was being chased by enemies well, Trish was the one mostly chased by the enemies since they don't know she had a sister until I spilled the tea in front of Pesci. Now what will happen next?' I thought while munching on my gummies. 'Ah, I remember now! It's another enemy stand attack! It was baby face I think?' I thought.

I looked around not letting my guard down. 'Why am I even looking around baby face can turn into any non-living things, so I really can see baby face.' I thought mentally facepalming myself. I sat in the couch as I intensely at the floor thinking what to do. "Y/n, are you alright you're staring at the floor like you want to destroy it." Bruno said. "Eh? Uhm..i'm just thinking..of something." I said. "And what could it be?" Bruno asked. "Umm...I was..thinking why dad want me to be with him I mean..I never even met him in my whole life." I lied still staring on the floor. "I think he left you for your safety since you are a daughter of a mafia boss." Bruno said. "Yeah, I guess you're right. Thanks Bucciarati." I said. "Bruno." He said. "Huh?" I mummbled. "Call me Bruno." He said. "Oh, okay Bruno." I said.

It was awkward until Trish stood on a chair. "Don't stand on the chair! Please sit down it's very dangerous outside." Bruno said to Trish. "Bucciarati, Can I ask a small question?" Trish said. 'You just did Trish, you just asked Bruno a question.' I thought. "How am I suppose to piss inside a turtle? Do you want me to piss on my pants?" Trish asked. 'Pants? Trish you're wearing a palda.' I thought jokingly. "I see, that's a good question indeed." Bruno said. "Great, finally you understand now! So can I go out now?" Trish asked. "So we'll just install a zipper in here, problem solved." Bruno said as he zip open a zipper on the floor.

"I don't know where it goes, but I don't think the turtle will mind maybe it'll give him some nutritions." Bruno said. "I...no matter what I say...you will never understand." Trish said. "Bucciarati we found a car." Giorno said to Bruno. "Good, we'll go as long as everything is clear." Bruno replied. I listened to Bruno and Giorno's conversation when I forgot about Trish. I looked at the cabinet and saw that she was there. She looked like her body is made of minecraft blocks. I quickly turned to Bruno and said "Bruno there's an enemy stand in here! It makes other living things into non-living things! Warn the others!" I said. After I said that baby face used his attck on me and now I blacked out.

'Atleast...atleast I warned them..I guess i'm not that muda, huh.' I thought. 'Now all I need to do is wait for them to beat baby face. I think it wouldn't take that long since I already told Bruno about baby face's abilities. Then, after what felt like hours I was finally back to my normal form. "Trish are you okay?" I asked to Trish. "Yeah, i'm fine." She said.

--King Crimson!--

We're all in a car that we stole somewhere from someone. Fugo, Mista, and Giorno are on the car while me, Trish, Narancia, Abbachio, and Bruno are inside coco jumbo. I was talking with Narancia about how great oranges are and why it should be Italy's national fruit or something. When suddenly Bruno got a message from the boss and told Abbacio to use moody blues to show what happened 10 hours ago. When he used moody blues and saw that Pelicoro. "It's the guy from the Capri island! Who is he? I can't remember." Narancia said. "He's Pericolo, he's an operative. He was the one that handed Y/n and Trish to us." Bruno said. "Oh! Now I remember." Narancia said. "So now we know he was the one that put the turtle on the station." Abbachio said. "Quiet! He's trying to say something." Bruno said.

"I'm going to tell you the last instructions. We can only use this method to contact you. This way no one will intercept us this way. Before goong to Venice you cannot leak any information to anyone. Right now i'm going to tell you how to give the boss's daughters to him." Pericolo said. "The dropoff--" Bruno said. "--Method!" Narancia continued. "Listen carefully, if you're able to get Trish and Y/n to Venice safely then find this statue on this picture and get the disk that is hidden inside. There will be more details about the dropofc point in the disk." Pericolo explained as he burned the picture.

"What?! You're just gonna burn it like that?! Where is that statue located?!" Narancia said. "Looks like he doesn't want to leave any evidence." Abbachio said. "Wait, Abbachio pause there." Bruno said.

<<To Be Continued<<<<<

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