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"Bucciarati, I vonlunteer myself to take Y/n and Trish to the tower." Giorno said. Everyone was shookt at what Giorno said. "What are you talking about? Do you have a right to accompany them up." Abbachio said. "The boss didn't say who should take them up. The mission will be accomplished no matter what I don't see why not?" Giorno said to Abbachio. "You idiot! Of course it's Bucciarati he's the operative! The boss didn't know who among us are still alive so he didn't say a specific person!" Abbachio shouted at Giorno. Giorno then looked at Bruno. "Of course i'll go, come on Trish, Y/n. According to boss's orders only one can accompany Y/n and Trish." Bruno said.

"Alright Giorno, to make sure our final task is accomplished. Would you lend me your good luck charm." Bruno said. "Ladybug is a sign of life. That ladybug brooch was your good luck charm, right?" Bruno continued. "Right, Giorno?" Bruno said. "Ah, yes you're right. This brooch bring good luck." Giorno said as he gave his ladybug brooch to Bruno. I then said my goodbyes to the the others and telling how I loved their company and how happy i've been with them. Then went to on our way. "There are only buttons to this floor and at the tol so I do 't think it will stop at any other floors." Bruno said. I gripped my jacket since I know this is the time me and Trish will die. I hid my nervousness with a smile. "I...what will happen from me now on? Kidnapped by you people and all of the sudden almost losing my life. Taken to a father i've never seen or heard before. Where should I go now?" Trish said looking down at the floor while crouching.

"The boss only cares about you and your sister's safety. As to your future I belive. First off, your father will give you a different name and maybe a new face and identity after that he'll take you to a different country and live there peacefully. Your father has the power to do that kind of things." Bruno said. "Come stand up and come to the elevator." Bruno said.  "That's not what i'm worrying about my legs are just tired after sitting on the turtle for so long." Trish said as she went in the elevator. When we we're all in the elevator it was quiet so I tried to stop the silence by talking. "Bruno, I just want you to know you guys have been ny very first friends I ever had and I had a great time with you all." I said looking down as I grip on my jacket. "Thank you for giving me a memory that I will forever remember. Even if I almost died at some moments because of the enemies." I said.

Then, the three of us hold hands. Then, Trish asked if she'll like our father. Bruno then comforted Trish about saying something I didn't bother to hear because now i'm panicking inside. 'I'm having a breakdown, breakdown. Haha...be serious for once Y/n! Diavolo will kill you any moment now! Think of something atleast.' I thought to myself. I blinked my eye and then I saw myself outside of the elevator and someone gripping on my wrist. "Wha--let me go!" I said as I wiggle my hands of his grip. His grip just tightened at what I did. "Don't make this any harder for you Y/n." Diavolo said. "Or what? You're gonna kill me?" I said. "Yes." He said. "Ok..." I said. "..boomer." I mummbled. "Kids these days." He muttered.

"I bet you killed mom." I said. "Yes, I did kill Lucia." Diavolo said. "You know dad if you just put a condom when you were having fun with my mom you wouldn't need to kill me." I said. He didn't say anything at what I said. "You'd better leave this place now...Bruno Bucciarati." Diavolo said. "If you come out that pillar. You are going to die!" Diavolo said tightening his grip.

Then, Bruno tried to ambush Diavolo, but failed. "Did he just see through my ambush?..he's hiding again." Bruno mummbled. "I may not have seen your face, but I do know your stand strength isn't very great." Bruno said. "I'd like to know why you would say that." Diavolo said from nowhere. Bruno then used Sticky fingers to destroy another pillar, but Diavolo wasn't there. "What are you trying to do Bucciarati? You completed this mission even though it was dangerous. I'm impressed by your performance." Diavolo said. "But you instead choose to do this. What do you really want?" Diavolo continued.

"Do you desperately want to prove your worth as an operative or or did you let it get in your head that you think you surpassed me." Diavolo stated. "When Trish is awake I will tell her she never had a father." Bruno said. "Trish? This has nothing to do with you." Diavolo said. "You will never understand my feelings." Brunos said. 'Bruno sounds like a teenage girl when he said that. Y/n stop this is suppose to be serious!' I thought. Bruno then opened a zipper on his face and grabbed his phone there and called Giorno. 'That looked weird even if I already saw it in the anime it looks even weirder in real life when he zip his face.' I thought.

After Bruno called he attacked the pillar near the stairs. When Bruno destroyed the pillar he saw himself behind it. "It's me!" Bruno said in surprise. "This..this is.." Bruno mummbled. "Since you're going to die soon I might as well tell you...at this moment everything you see you touch is the future! The few seconds ago is seeing the you in the future! This is my King Crimson's power!" Diavolo said. "To erase time!" He said as he was about to make Bruno into a donut. I made a run for it and took the sacrifice of being the donut. "What?!" Diavolo shouted in confusion as he punched my stomach. "You..wanted to kill me..right? Well guess what? You're welcome." I said.

<<To Be Continued<<<<<

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