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I woke up at the couch just to see that my brother already left for his work. I got up and fixed my hair and took a bath. 'Should I go to school? Nah, im already late anyways.' I thought as I brushed my teeth. After that I went to the guest room and changed there. Then, I went to the fridge and saw a note.

' Fatass go to to the grocery store and refill my kitchen. The money is on the table.'

-Big Bro

I looked at the dinning table and saw the money. I took it and went to grab some food. This time I didn't went to an alley way. The grocery shopping was really peaceful. No man was following me. After buying groceries I still have a lot of change. So I treated myself some food. I went to mcdonalds and bought a big mac with coke. Then, I headed back home.

I put the groceries at the cupboard and looked at the money that was left. There was still a lot of money so I went to the movies. Then, I went to a pet shop and looked at the animals there. I also went to the arcade. And to make this the perfect day. I went to a candy store and bought a bagfull of gummies and shoved my gummies to my bag.

Then, a hand pulled me back to an alley way. "Who are you? What do you want from me? Hello?" I asked as I waved my hands infront of his face. "You need to come with me." The old man said. "Why would I listen to you? we just met." I asked. He gave me the silent treatment. So, also gave him the silent treatment. Then, we went to about and there was a girl there too. She had pink hair.

"Where are we heading?" I asked. "We're heading to the Capri Island." He said. "Why?" I asked. "I'm going to lead you two to your father." He said again. "Okay, cool." I said as I put on my headphones. "Wait--! What do you mean by our father? I never met this girl." I asked the man. "You two came from the same father." The old man said as he drive the boat. "Oh, ok, Hi, I'm Y/n L/n and I was an unplanned baby from an affair." I said as I put my hand out asking for a hand shake.

"Trish Una." She said as she shakes my hand. "I guess we're sisters. Well, step-sisters." I said. She just said a 'mhm' to me as she looked at the ocean. It was a quiet boat trip. 'Dang, I didn't get to see Mista, Fugo, and Narancia do the torture dance.' I thought as I sighed. I stared at the ocean looking at the dolphins that was jumping. 'Jotaro would love to see this.' I thought as I look at the dolphins. I took out my flip phone and took pictures of the dolphins. Then, It was dead quiet again and my mouth was iching to say something so I told them how I was born so I came along with finding my dad. Even though the real reason was I just wanna hang out with Bruno's gang.

-King Crimson!--

We got off the boat and went somewhere. Then, me and Trish changed into janitor uniform and pretended to be  janitors. I started to get bored so I listened to music for a while. "Hey, we're still inside. Clean it later. Can you guys wait for five minutes." Some boy said to Trish. "Is your name toilet?" Trish asked. The boy looked confused and Trish pointed at the Toilet sign. "If it is, then the building should be yours and since it's yours you can order me to sweep it later, but if your name is not toilet you don't have any authority not to let me inside." Trish said. I mumbled a 'Ooh, damn he just got roasted by mah sis.' They didn't seem to hear it so I continued on sweeping.

"You...what the hell are you talking about?! Hold on! Idiot!" The boy shouted in anger. 'Hoes mad, Hoes mad, Hoes mad.' I thought. "I told you not to go in!" The boy said as he pointed a swiss army knife to Trish. Then, Trish twisted the boy's arm like a badass. "Stop! He is a gang operative called Pericolo." A voice said. I looked and saw it was Bucciarati. That's when I noticed Narancia was the mad boy. "We're already contacted him he moment we arrived in the island. They specially came here to get the money." Bucciarati explained. Then, all of a sudden they all bowed. "Thak you for coming." Bucciarati said to Pericolo.

"No need to thank me, we were the one's who wanted to go to the island." Pericolo said. Then, they went to the bathroom and came back with a suitcase. "Bucciarati, this people..are females?" Giorno asked to Bucciarati. "The boss's daughters." Giorno said. Then, everyone was shocked.

<<To Be Continued<<<<<

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