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I got up and left my seat and sat on another seat that isn't beside a window. 'Y/n! Wake. Up!' I thought pinching myself. Then, I stared into nothingness because I have nothing to do. I looked into the clock. Everytime another second passes another tick! Can be heard. And at my sleepy state every noise was like a lullaby to me.

Then a small Thud! Can be heard. Y/n occupied the two seats as she slept on it. After a few minutes of my peaceful sleeping my body had a great idea of making me want to piss all of the sudden. I woked up in a pretty bad mood since I got disturbed on my dream. I then went to the restroom in the plane and pissed there. While chilling on the restroom I had a thought. 'Where do my piss go after I piss on this restroom? Is my piss being stored somewhere in the plane? Or there's a hole somewhere in this plane that flings our piss and poop outside the plane?'

After flushing my piss I can't sleep anymore. 'I don't need sleep, I need answers.' I thought as I sat back to my chair and looked at my shoes and kept thinking of a possible answer to my question. I was about to ask Fugo but I remembered he wasn't here. Then my brain thought of another thing that would make it busy. 'I wonder how my stand works, I mean-- I can make things have no gravity and I can heal people and stuff and how can I move when dad is using King Crimson?!' I thought.

'I don't get it, I have a stand that has three abilities? Or what if it only had one abiltiy, but I didn't know what it is? Am I just using my stand without no idea how it works? Hmm... I feel like my ability is commiting uno reverse card. Well, that's just a theory, a film theory. My theory is that it uno reverse cards stuff. I mean I did reverse card the laws of gravity and I also uno reverse card Mista's injuries. Wait.. I get it now. I have been uno reversing Bruno and Mista's injuries and the injuries went to me instead! Holy Scheisse I get it now!' I thought.

'That's why I was so sick! But...what if..I uno reverse card Bruno? Will I die? I mean he's like a zombie now since he can't feel pain and he has no more pulse. Nope, I can't do that yet. They still need me for stuff to reveal my dad.' I thought.

'Should I rename Celeste into Uno reverse card?' I thought. "Don't even think about it." A feminine voice said. I look beside me and saw that it was Celeste. "Woah, you can talk?" I said. "Yeah, you just didn't talk to me. And don't forget i'm you and you're me so I know what you're thinking about." She said. "Right, So is uno reverse card really your ability?" I asked. "If you put it like that it sounds weird, but yes that is my ability." She said.

"Cool, can I call you uno rev--" "No." Celeste said covering my mouth. "Fine, also I would like to ask something." I said. "You already did." Celeste said. "No, i'm serious." I said. "No, you're Y/n." Celeste retorted. "Celeste please stop with the dad jokes. Only I can say it." I said. "Ok, fine, what do you wanna ask me?" Celeste said.

"If I uno reverse card an almost dying person will I die?" I asked. "Yep, everytime you uno reverse card someone. The one you're helping will be cured while you get his or her suffering." Celeste explained. "So if I used uno reverse card on Johnny i'm gonna be crippled." I muttered. "Who's Johhny?" Celeste asked. "Oh snap did I break the fourth wall by spoiling part 7?  I'm sorry i'll tell author to fix it later." I said

"You idiot, look how much damage you did there. Go help author fix that later." Celeste nagged.

<<To Be Continued<<<<<

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