[12.5] Christmas Special

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I woke up in a room. A room i'm really familiar with. It was my old room! 'How did I get here I thought I was at a vine yard?' I thought. I went out of my bed and saw that my bro actually got himself a pussy. "Bro, who's that?" I asked. "Oh, y/n this is my wife." My bro said. I was shocked. I was doing the pikachu surprised face when he said that. "Why did you not invite me to your wedding?!" I said. "I did." He stated. His wife was making breakfast when I saw a kid in a craddle. "Oh shit, you made a baby." I muttered walking to the baby.

"I also invited your guy-friends and Trish over to come join us and celebrate Christmas. You got drunk yesterday and came to my house instead." My brother said. I was confused and tried to calculate what was going on and I had zero idea. So my brother explained me what happened. It turns out I was already a 21 year old woman and my brother is like 27 and me and the gang celebrated Chritmas eve by getting drunk. I thought to myself 'How is this possible did I time skipped?'

Me, my brother, and his wife then ate some eggs and bacons and drank some coffe. After that I took a shower and changed into a blue long-sleeved shirt and black leggings. My brother cleaned the dishes as his wife cleaned the house while I babysit their child.

2:37 p.m

Giorno came into the house as he greeted my brother and my sister-in-law. He then walked to me and greeted me. We talked and talked for a while. We talked about my brother, about the gang, about my brother's son. Then a few minutes later Abbachio and Bruno came. We all watched some action comedy film while I was still holding the baby. The baby seems to enjoy the movie. When we were at the middle of the movie Fugo, Narancia, Trish, and Mista came. We then finish watching the movie.

After that we talked about stuff that has happened 9 years ago. We talked about the time we switched bodies. My body was switched with Abbachio. And how Giorno became the mafia boss.

6:21 p.m

We all gathered at the dining table and ate at the food my sister-in-law made. While I was eating Giorno told me to go outside after I finished eating. My brother then whispered to me "Get yourself a dick." Trish then also whispered to you "Yeah, (B/n) is right go get Giorno." I slapped them playfully in the shoulder and said "Oh, shut up."

After eating I went outside the house and saw Giorno. "So what do you want to tell me." I asked. He hold my gloved hands and said "Y/n I love you, i've known you for 9 years and in those 9 years I thought of you as a nice, loving, and caring woman that I need in my life. I've been collecting my courage to ask you this question, will you be my girlfriend?" I was shocked I feel my whole face heating up as I cover my mouth from the shock.

I hugged him and said "Yes, yes!" He then hugs me back and kissed me on the forehead. We then went back inside as we announce our relationship to my brother and sister and to the gang. My brother welcomed Giorno to the L/n family as the gang congratulated Giorno. While Trish teased me about it and then they all got drunk while watching Toy story 3 while me and Giorno snuggled together.

Then, After that I found myself waking up on the top bunk bed and saw that Trish was awake too. "Yo, I had a weird dream of me being 21." I said to Trish. "Me too, sis." Trish said. "It was weird that my bro got a pussy." I said. "In my dream  you and Giorno got together." Trish said. Her statement made me blush. "That was your dream too?!" She asked me. We then walked down and sat on the dining table. Me and Trish told the gang about our dream and they said they had the same too. After that they all eyed at me and Giorno and continued talking about all of us having the same dream.

(A/n: Happy Advance Merry Christmas. This is my gift to all of you since I was bored and I made this since it's Dec.23 in my place)

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