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'Holy crap, this day keeps getting better and better. I just got a stand and exchange numbers with Giorno and now I get to meet Mista!' I thought. "Oh, um..okay." I said. "Great, come with me. The food they make there is delicous." Mista said as he grabbed your hand. The sudden physical contact made your face feel hot.

It turns out the place he lead me to was Bruno's Café. We sat on the table beside a window.

--King Crimson!--

After talking for about a with Mista while eating a cake was nice. Spending time with him for a little while feels like i've known him for years. Well, I guess I could feel that since I knew him in the manga and anime.

After finshing my cake I thanked Mista and left. "Wait." Mista shouted at the café door. I stopped on walking and looked around. He walked to me and said "Why don't we exchange numbers, you said you don't have a friend so..maybe we could be friends."

I smiled and said "Of course.". I gave him mine and he gave his to me. After that he ran back to the café and I could hear his voice really clearly. 'Guess who got a number from a girl today?!' He shouted inside the café. I giggled at what I heard and went on my way home.

I looked at my clock and saw that it was already 6:15 p.m. 'It's dinner time.' I thought. When I got home it was dark. I opened the lights and closed the door and changed into a more comfortable clothes. I wore a (Fav. Colour) oversized shirt and black shorts. I put my hair on a bun.

I went to the living room and watched spongebob. I drank some mountain dew while eating some chips. I heard a 'Ping!' and saw that someone texted me. It was mom.

Y/n dear, I won't be home tonight so don't wait for me and also please eat your dinner.

Ok mom.

I felt a weird feeling about something, but I shrugged it off.

--Meanwhile somewhere--

"What do you want, Diavolo." Y/n's mom said in a stern voice as she turnes around as a person went out of the shadows. "I want my daughter back." The man said. "Back? She never belonged to you. You didn't even raised her and now you want her from me? What are you really planning, Diavolo." Y/n's mom said.

"That's none of your bussines." He said. Then after that Y/n's mom never got home to Y/n.

--Back to Y/n--

"I'm so bored..." I muttered as I stared at the wall. Then, an Idea got to my head and started cleaning the house. I also got my mp3 and headphones and listened to music while cleaning.

I then started singing along with the music on the headphones.

(A/n: You can play the video now. I also changed some lyrics that Y/n was singin because it doesn't pair up with y/n's life)

I got a feeling
That you could be feeling
A whole lot better then you feel today
You say you got a problem
Well, that's no problem
It's super easy not to feel that way

When you started to get confused
Because of thoughts in your head
Don't feel those feelings
Hold them in instead

Turn it off, like a light switch
Just go click
It's a cool y/n trick
I do it all the time
When you're feeling certain feels
That just doesn't feel right
Treat those pesky feelings like a reading light

And turn 'em off
Like a light switch, just go "bap"
Really, what's so hard about that
Turn it off

Turn it off

When I was young a kid
Would treat would treat my friend real bad
Every time he would lose
He'd start a-beating
And i'd start a-thinking
How am I gonna keep my friend from getting abused?

I'd see him all scared and my soul was dying
The kid would say to me "Now don't you dare tell them."

Turn it off
Like a light switch
Just go flick
It's my nifty little trick
Turn it off

My grandma once was a dancer ,but she got cancer
The doctor said she got two months more
I thought she had time, so I got in line
For the delicous muffins in the cafe near me

She lay ther dying with my family
Her last word were "where is my dear Y/n?"

Turn it off
Bid those sad feelings adieu
The fear that I might get cancer too.

Ring!  Ring!

I stopped singing and grabbed the ringing phone.


"Excuse me, is this Lucia L/n's daughter?"

"Yes, who is this?"

"It's the police, we found your mom's corpse in an alley way."

I suddenly dropped the phone as I feel my body shaking. "Why?" I said as I started crying as I sat on the floor. I wiped my tears, but it won't stop falling.

<<To Be Continued<<<<<<

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