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After that we went on a restaurant while me and Trish were still inside the turtle. It was a bit quiet and it was getting awkward for me. "Hey, Y/n do you know what's going on? If you do can you tell me?" Trish asked. "Huh? Eh..how do I say this...well, you know our mafia dad?" I asked she then nod to my question. "He wants us dead--But don't worry i'm sure Bruno and the others will guard us! I'll also guard you!" I said.

"Why does our dad wants us dead?" Trish asked. "Umm...wait! I'm still flachbacking I sort of forgot why let me remember." I said she then waited for my answer patiently. "Ah, Now I remember! He wants us to die because we are the key on revealing who he is." I said. "Y/n do you see the weird things that appears and fights people?" Trish asked. "Eh? Weird things...you mean stands? They're weird spirit things. It's like our fighting spirits that give us some sort of powers or something..but if you can see it you must have one too." I said. "I don't have those stand thingy." Trish said. "But you can see other's stands so you must have one but it still hasn't appeared yet." I said.

Trish tilted her head in confusion as I scratched the back of my head. "This is so hard to describe! It's just like puberty I guess? I dunno." I said. Trish sat there dumbfounded. Trish then went out of the turtle listening to the boy's conversation. When she got out of the table I got out of the turtle but I didn't go out under the table. "I suddenly remembered something when you said 'all remnants of his past' my mom used to tell me how she met my father on Sardinia." Trish said. "Yeah, my step-dad also told me how he met my pregnant mom on Sardinia." I said popping out of the table surprising the boys and Trish.

"Sardinia...Before he joined the organization..15 years ago...is it his birthplace too?" Abbachio muttered. "Sardinia! There must be something that can help us uncover his identity there." Trish said. 'Sardinia?...Sardin... Sardines! Ugh..now i'm hungry...' I thought. "Why are you telling us this? We may decide to kill your father..No! We have decided to kill him!" Bruno said. "For you that's one thing.. but I want to know who my father is! I don't want to die not knowing anything!" Trish said.

Everyone became quiet. "Looks like she's more determined than us." Abbachio said. I looked at Narancia's soup because I remembered that there would be a shark looking stand on his soup. "There's a shark in the soup!" Narancia shouted. I looked at his soup and I did saw the shark. Narancia then called out his stand and shot the soup. "Giorno! Get Y/n and Trish in the turtle! Abbachio go to her right! Mista go to her left!" Bruno commanded.

"Where is it?!" Mista asked Narancia. "It's..it's in there I saw a fin in the soup!" Narancia said. Narancia then looked at the spoon that he was holding and said "What?" He mummbled then the fish stand bit his tongue. Narancia screamed. "Narancia!" Bruno and Giorno said at the same time. "What's wrong?" Mista asked Narancia. Me and Trish then got inside coco jumbo. I still looked outside wanting to help them but can't since if I get in trouble we'll lose this.

I sigh as I called out my stand making me float. "How are you doing that?" Trish asked to me as I float mid air. "Stands. You want to float too?" I asked. She shooked her head no. While floating I looked outside coco jumbo. Narancia was speaking some weird things and that's when I remembered this is the time where Narancia speaks the opposite of what he's saying.

"Guys, the enemy stand is making him speak the oppsosite of what he was gonna say." I said. The boys then discussed about it and tried some stuff by asking what the stand's appearance is like to Narancia. So while the boys were doing the hard work me and Trish were just hanging out inside coco jumbo. I do feel kinda useless for not being able to help the boys with a lot of stuff. I was then staring on the wall thinking about how useless i am.

"Hey Y/n, do you love Giorno?" Trish asked. "Yeah." I said absentmindedly while still looking at the wall. Trish smirked at me and looked at me teasingly. My face then became hot as I feel my blood rushing to my face as I realise what I said. "As a friend! As a friend! I love him as a friend!" I said to Trish. She then raise her brow in disbelief and said "Really? Just friends?" She asked. "Y-yeah, just f-friends! Not that I have a secret crush on him or anything." I said to Trish as I mummble the last part of the sentence.

<<To Be Continued<<<<<

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