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"Yesterday my mom died, then I cried like a baby at my brother's house. I wanna stopped crying so I went to the park and played with the kids because why not? Then there's this weird creepy looking man following me and I k--" I was disturbed by the waiter. The waiter gave us the tea and cookies.

"Then, what happened to the creepy man?" Giorno asked. "Come closer i'll tell you." I said as I gestured my hands up and down telling him to come closer. "I killed him." I whispered to him. I then sat back to my seat and said "W-well, itwasanaccidentandIwassoscaredandIaccidentalyusedmystandtohimandhediedoffalldamage,itwasanaccidentIpromisepleasedon'thateme." After that I drank all the tea of because of nervousness and looked at the table not wanting to look at his reaction about what I said.

I looked down and noticed that I was holding the folder the man had. "Oh, um..and also I found this from the man." I said as I put the folder at the table. "It was all about me and it's so...detailed." I said muttering the last part. "I wonder what he wants from you." Giorno said as he looked at the folder. "I don't know either." I said as I opened the folder. I looked at it and I felt a shiver down my spine.

"This are so detailed. I wonder why he had this and why he was following me." I muttered as I drank some tea. "It even has my mom's name.." I said when I saw who my father was. 'No way! Diavolo?! No wonder why our eyes looked the same!' I thought as I spat out the tea I drank. "What's wrong?" Giorno asked. "I was surprised since this name wasn't the name of the father I knew." I said pointing at Diavolo's name which was labeled as my father.

"Giorno, by the way. When you introduced yourself. You said you have a dream of clearing drugs in Italy. How though?" I asked changing the subject. "Well, it's okay if you don't tell me." I said. "It's ok Y/n, you've tell me some personal stuff willingly even though we just met a few days ago so, I'll tell you my dream." He said. 'Holy macaroni! He's about to say it!' I thought fangirling. "I, Giorno Giovanna have a dream of being a gangstar to get rid of drugs in Italy." He said.

"Ooh, a gangstar..I'll try my best to support you since you gave me food and because I also hate drugs." I said cheering him up. "So, what's your plan?" I asked. "I've already got in a gang so, my plan is to kill the boss to and become the boss and get rid of drugs in Italy." He explained. "You're in a gang?" I asked. He nodded. I clapped "Well, now that step one is done all you need to do is step two, beating the boss which is a hard step." I said. "It is a hard step, but if I work hard enough my dream will sure be true." He said.

I smiled at his determination. "I wanna join the gang too." I said. "No, it will put you in danger." He said. "Hey, I killed a man okay." I said. "You're still not allowed." He said. "Aww, come onn. I'm suppose to be your sidekick." I said as I munch on some cookies. "I don't want peope risking their lives for me." He said. After that he paid for the food and walked me home. When I got home my brother was already there.

"Who's that? Your boyfriend~?" He teased. My cheeks went red. "N-no, just some guy-friend." I said as I closed the door and put off my shoes. I went directly to his kitchen and searched some food in his kitchen. "Don't eat my food." He said. "Shut up you're adopted." I said as I grabbed some mountain dew and some chips from his kitchen. "Oh, you shut up. You're a mistake from an affair." He said glaring at me.


Then we started fighting. He was pulling my hair while I pull his hair. "I'm telling mom!" I shouted. Then, I realized what I said and stopped fighting my brother. He also stopped pulling my hair. We just sat there for a while staring at the ground as we sighed and remembered our mom's death. Then, after a few moments my brain told me to shout 'AWKWARD!' And so I did.

The sadness felling then went away as me and my bro watched some spongebob. Then, we both fell asleep in a couch.

<<To Be Continued<<<<<

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