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I walked in our bedroom and sat beside Trish on the bottom bunk. "Well, you see...I had an adopted brother and he's like 6 years older than me then I called him so he won't get worried, but then it turns out the call made things worse so I told him to get a pussy." I said. "I didn't know that's how you interact with eachother." Trish said. "Yeah, we always fight, but in the end we just get back to being nice with each other." I said.

"Also, another question. What did your brother mean when he said he didn't want to lose you like your mother?" Trish asked. "Umm..yeah, mom...she..ugh..died." I said looking up trying not to let my tears fall. "I'm so sorry to hear that. I can relate to you too." Trish said hugging me. "You do?" I asked still looking up. "Yeah, my mom also died." She said. "I guess we really are sisters." I said hugging Trish back.

After that wholesome sister moment I went to my top bunk and slept. The next day I woke up and saw that Trish had gotten up already. I took the brush on a shelf on the room and brushed my hair and tied my hair into a ponytail and went downstairs. I went straight to the kitchen and looked what was in the fridge. There was no decent breakfast food in the fridge so I decided to make one. I called out Celeste to make me float so I can grab some food on the high shelves. When I was finished gathering the ingridients I made myself a decent pancake.

When, I place my pancake on the table Mista saw the food I have and approached me. "Ooh, where did you get that?" Mista asked. "I made it want some?" I said as I cut off a piece with a fork and held up to his mouth the fork with the piece of pancake. "Sure." He said and ate the pancake from the fork. I then continued eating. After I ate I went to the fridge and drank some milk since I still need those calcium to grow taller.

I got my headphones and listened to music as I read a book from a bookshelf near where I was seating. I looked at the doorway and saw that Fugo and Narancia was talking or fighting. Then, Narancia head off. 'Wait, isn't it today the day Narancia do the groceries?' I thought. I stopped reading and went to my room. I sneaked out of the vine yard and used Celeste to make my shoes and clothes have no gravity so I could ran faster. I went to an atm and pulled out the bank card I stole from my brother.

After withdrawing enough money for the groceries I hid in an alley way where I could see Narancia and Formagio without being noticed and harmed. When Narancia was done killing Formagio I ran to him and said "Here are your groceries." He looked shocked about me not in the vine yard. "You're not suppose to be here!" He said. "I know, but if you came back without any groceries Fugo will mad at you." I said. "--Also! Don't tell them I sneaked out. I'll be in a big trouble. I only came here to help you." I continued. "You'll be in a bigger trouble if you stay out here." He said.

"No i'm not. Did you not listen to Formagio. He said boss's daughter and not boss's daughters so he never knew about me." I explained. "You have a point." He mumbled. "Okay, i'll be going now. Don't tell them I sneaked out!" I said as I ran back to the vine yard. When I got back to my room from the window my hair was a mess. I layed down my bed as I was sweating madly while breathing really fast from the running. I took of my jacket and threw it on the floor. After a few minutes of me catching my breath and trying to cool down I fixed my hair and went downstairs.

I went to the fridge and grabbed a bottle and chugged all of it. "You drink like you ran a 100km marathon." Mista said. After chugging all the water I said "Thanks." Then, Narancia pulled me to a place in the vine yard where it's just the two of us. "Why did you sneaked out?" Narancia asked. "To help you. I had a weird gut feeling about you being in danger so I sneaked out." I lied. "Also, how did you ran so fast from here to there?" He asked. "I used my stand." I said. "Since I already saw yours on the fight you had a while ago I'll let you see mine." I said. "Celeste." I called out as Celeste appeared. "Woah, she's pretty." Narancia said. "I know right? My stand looks like a goddess." I said. "So...her abilities is just making everything she touches have no gravity. Here i'll show you." I said. I used Celeste to make my jacket float. "Release." I said making the jacket fall down to the ground. "That's basicaly it." I said.

"Cool!" Narancia shouted. "It's kinda weak since it doesn't give a lot of damage. Except for you falling down from a high height." I said. "Are you guys showing stands? I wanna join too." Me and Narancia looked behind us and it was Mista. "Sure." I said. "This is my sex pistols." Mista said as the six small stands came out of the bullet's gun. "They're so small and cute. When I look at them I feel really tall." I muttered. I looked up to Mista and Narancia and said "By the way how's the weather up there?" I asked them.

"The weather is good up here." Mista said. "Have you guys noticed..." I said making the boys look at me. "...i'm the smallest person in this group." I said. "Now that you said it I just noticed that." Narancia said as he measured his height with mine by his hand. "You're right, you are the smallest." Mista said. Then the boys started to tease me with my height.

<<To Be Continued<<<<<

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