Talk About Bad Luck

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The only thing you could remember was waking up on a beach with a throbbing headache.

That's it.

No recollection of your life prior to ending up here or even your own name for that matter.

'This is fine, I got this. No need to freak out.' you thought to yourself, taking in deep, steady breaths as you took in your surroundings.

The beach stretched on farther than you could see in either direction. It was peaceful, without a soul in sight. Looking inland, the sand gave way to patchy grass and then a rolling field of green dotted with the occasional tree here and there. You could make out what seemed to be a village further out in the distance. That would be a good place to go, maybe you were there before and someone could help you retrace your steps, hopefully get your mind back in order.

You got up off the ground, a little shaky at first but you felt steadier after a minute. The back of your head still hurt like hell and moving didn't help, but sitting around all day wasn't any better. No use burning daylight. You took a second to check out what you could of your appearance.

Your hands were a bit roughed up with scrapes across your knuckles. Now that you think about it your legs hurt too, they were pretty bruised up. Besides that, your clothes were in similar shape. Your shorts were wet from seawater and clung to you uncomfortably and your shirt was almost as wet with a few tears in it as well. And of course you were missing shoes.

"Well we're off to a great start." You sighed.

Nothing to be done here, hopefully you wouldn't get too many weird looks going in to town like this. Not like you had much of a choice.

The walk to the nearby town took long enough for the water to dry off your clothes. Which was great until the salt from the water made them stiff. By the time you got there, all you wanted was a bath and a new change of clothes.

Despite your general discomfort, the surrounding area was able to draw your attention. The town was alive with people flitting about doing their daily business. Shops were bustling and cheery calls could be heard from street vendors. Children scampered past you in fits of giggles and playful shrieks. It was easy to tell this was a happy, well off place. You did get a few questioning glances in your direction but that was about it.

While you had plans to come here and find a way to jog your memory, it now sounded easier said than done. The town was bigger than you originally thought and you had no idea where would be a good place to even start looking. Or what you were looking for actually. Would someone recognize you by chance or should you wander about until a certain building or landmark caught your eye?

With no other options in mind, you went for the latter. Your legs still hurt but walking about would sate your curiosity of the area and maybe help you find a lead. Didn't hurt to try at the very least.


After a few hours of aimlessly wandering, you gave up for the day. Walking had become painful to the point that you were now limping slowly. Whatever you had done to your legs was worse than it looked, or you just really needed a break. Either way, the sun had begun to dip down to the horizon and night was beginning to set in. You had plopped down on a bench and were rubbing your legs gingerly, hoping to ease the pain. The new problem was what you were going to do for accommodations for the night. You had no money, so an inn wasn't an option.

You'd prefer a bed of some kind but the darker it got, the less that seemed like a possibility. Sitting down had been a mistake too. You were dreading the thought of getting up and it felt good to relax for a minute. Except there was something hard in your back pocket jabbing you in the butt. You leaned over and pulled it out, marveling at how you didn't realize there was something there before.

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