Time to Move On

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"So what now?" Leo asked.

"Now it's the same as always. We keep moving." You answered.

Atticus stood by quietly. His hands in his pockets, watching the flames lick up the side of the building hungrily.

Your temporary home was now in flames. It helped hide your tracks but it still hurt to do it. This little cabin had been home longer than anywhere else had been. It was burning to the ground now. The glass canister of oil you held in your hand had done a great job of getting the fire up pretty fast.

You tossed it to the flames and it exploded from the heat. The remaining oil popped and sizzled as it burned away. For a second, the smell of it overpowered the strong scent of burning wood. But it was just for a second.

"We've got another job on another island kiddos." Atticus spoke up.

"How much longer do we have to do this?" Leo asked with a sigh. He was more tired of the constant moving than anyone.

"Not much hopefully. I think we're on the way to doing our last job. After that, the world's our oyster." He chuckled to himself like it was a funny joke.

You were ready to be done and live a more normal life with Leo and Atticus. Maybe toss the idea around of working until you could afford a ship and just sail around the seas. That sounded pretty good to you.

"Well let's get it done then." You said, never looking away from the fire.

The dark smoke climbed up above the trees before disappearing in the air. You wondered if given enough time, your bounty could disappear too, if it could be forgotten. That'd be nice. Life would be so much easier if it could do that.


"(Y/n)-ya. Hey."

You were shook awake by Law. You could feel the deep frown you slept with and the wet streaks that tears left down your face. The memories with the Celestial Dragon sucked but this one hurt in a completely different way. It left you with an ache. Like there was something in that dream you wanted, something that left you feeling empty.

"What's the matter? You've been distant since you met with Atticus-ya and now this..."

He squeezed you close and wiped away the tear trails with his thumb.

"I thought he cared." You burrowed into his chest, choking back a sob. It was hard to believe one thing and learn another. "He was just using us and I'm trying to figure out why."

You felt so confident that you could come to terms with everything on your own when you left Impel Down a couple days ago. It was proving to be much harder than you thought. You'd given Law an even more quick version of the story that you'd gotten so he knew how much understanding this all meant to you. It was literally your entire life and it was nothing like how you thought it was.

"You'll figure it out soon enough." He kissed your forehead and rubbed your back. "Why don't we move on to finding out what we can about your brother instead? That might help."

As much as you wanted to say he was right, you didn't feel ready to start looking for Leo. You wanted to. Badly. But you needed to get yourself put together before that. And wherever he was, you hoped he wouldn't mind waiting a bit longer to see you again.

"Not yet. I can't yet."

He didn't pry as to why not and settled for comforting you until you started mumbling about the dream.

"We burned down one of the places we were living at. I think it was one of the last homes."

"Why burn it?" He asked.

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