Passing the Time

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Sorry for not having anything new for a few days, I was feeling really sick but at least I bounced back fast. I'll hopefully be back to my normal writing schedule now.

Just as you thought, the days came and went slowly on Punk Hazard.

Law was quick to address what Caesar needed his help with and you weren't quite sure how you felt about it. There were men all over the island that had lost the use of their legs, paralyzed from the waist down from nerve gas that Caesar had no problem confessing he had to do with. He bragged about it in a way that irked you like nothing else of late had. Even Law found it all to be very distasteful. Either way, Law's job was to replace the non-functional limbs with ones that would work and the solution ended up coming from animals.

After his work was done, all the workers present on the island moved around on goat or horse legs for the most part. One man in particular was too big for such dainty limbs and received a whole crocodile body for his lower half. In the end, the men seemed happy to be fully functioning again so you and Law did as Caesar asked and spoke nothing of how they really lost the use of their limbs.

You were surprised when Monet approached Law, asking for similar treatment. In the end, he replaced her legs with that of a bird's and her arms with wings, turning her into a harpy. You felt the look matched her personality. And while you were fine with that, you were less than pleased with how often she tried to flirt with your lover. She knew he was already spoken for and you had to admit, he did an excellent job of turning her down every time, but nothing stopped her from constantly trying to get a rise out of you.

Sometimes it worked and you'd leave the building to explore the winter wasteland that was half the island, stewing in your annoyance. But most of the time you were able to keep your cool and convince yourself she just missed a man's company. The one time you suggested she approach Caesar with her "problem" she shut right up and wouldn't be in the same room as you for a week. It was easily the best time of your life on the island.

You felt pretty impatient with Law playing the long game. He had told you before it'd take time for him to find the right moment to enact his plan but you didn't think it'd take this long. It'd been almost a year since you'd first arrived and you hated to admit it, but you'd grown accustomed to life here. You hated Monet and Caesar, both of them proving more and more each day that they were terrible people, but more than anything you missed life on the ship. There were plenty of times you and Law would go to bed and you'd ask him what he thought the crew was up to.

Still, you stuck to his plan. When you felt really bored or like you were becoming too restless, you'd go out and practice your haki or read whatever books Caesar had handy in the building. If Law wasn't busy, he'd spar with you so the both of you wouldn't fall into feeling rusty.

But you needed a change of pace and not only that, you'd pushed off finding your brother for too long. You'd memorized the information on the back of his photo a long time ago. If you closed your eyes, you could see the name of the island dance across your eyelids. It had been nagging at you for a while but a fear you hadn't thought about before kept you from seeking him out earlier. You were afraid he'd have a similar reaction to Atticus.

It was a strange thing to worry about, considering the relationship you had with each of them, but you still let the doubt keep you from searching. Now you were tired of letting that fear keep you away.

You were waiting in your bedroom for Law. It was late and he'd be turning in soon so you'd be able to talk to him about leaving for a short while. You were tough and that made you sure there'd be no worries about going by yourself. You rolled over on the bed, letting your head hang over the edge to watch the door and crossing your legs. Waiting for him to see you was a common occurrence these days, one you didn't enjoy but you understood the need for him to be working on other things.

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