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"C'mon Law, it wasn't their fault." You winced as he tugged at the string, making the stitches tighter.

"They should have been taking the job more seriously. They're lucky to be getting anything at all." The raven haired captain snapped, angry that you got hurt after everything had gone so smoothly. He decided to keep a portion of Shachi and Penguin's cut for not keeping a better eye on you.

"I wasn't paying attention when I opened the door, it was my bad. They came to my rescue and kept me from ending up any worse."

"Here's the deal." He finished stitching up your arm and was now wrapping it with gauze to protect it from the elements. "I'm fine with you coming along for the whole plan, but you're going to need to keep a better focus on your surroundings or I won't bring you."

"Okay, okay. I'll work on it."

"We will work on it. We'll need to see if we can get your observation haki going." He finished wrapping your arm and stood up. "It'll be an important skill for you to have."

He'd mentioned haki before. You knew about the three different kinds and how it was possible to train in two of them.

"What if I can't get the hang of it?" You frowned as you tested your arm, opening and closing your fist. It worked fine but pulled a bit with each movement.

"I have a feeling you won't have a problem with it. We just need to get you trained on it."

"Do we have time for that?"

"We're not on a time limit. Once we turn in the hearts to the Marines we'll take a bit of time for you to heal up and wait for a reply from them. I think we can get your haki going while in Impel Down."

"If you say so." You shook your head and got off the table he had you sitting on to follow him out of the infirmary.

The other ship of pirates was long gone. They had more pirates than necessary so some got to keep their hearts. The ones he took were currently stored up in the navigation room, waiting to be received by the Marines. The closest post was a week away so there was plenty of time for him to warn them of his arrival and make sure they knew he had only the best of intentions when he got there with his delivery.

As much as you loved Law, he was one scary guy when he wanted to be. And there wasn't a whole lot scarier than a guy arriving at a marine base with an ass ton of still beating hearts. Eustass Kid had nothing on that. The fucker.

"So what's the plan until we get to the Marine base?" You padded after Law, having taken off your shoes and gotten into comfier clothes for the rest of the day.

"Business as usual. Keep the ship in good order, the normal chores." He gave you a sly grin as he tugged you towards the bedroom. "Maybe some lovemaking when we have time."

Your insides twisted and heated up at the thought. "I like that plan."


The week flew by and you healed up well enough to have the stitches removed. The spot was still delicate and it was definitely going to scar despite Law's best efforts. But you didn't mind. No scar could compare to the one on your back so it didn't phase you.

The morning the Polar Tang arrived at the Marine base, the crew was in a complete tizzy, waking you and Law up from a dead sleep. You lifted your head from your pillow and exchanged annoyed looks with him when someone knocked on the bedroom door.

"Captain! It's time for the delivery." Jean Bart called from the other side, knowing better than to walk into the room.

Bepo did that once without thinking. He caught an eye full of things he didn't ever plan on seeing and it was the only time you'd ever heard Law raise his voice at the navigator. Interactions with Bepo were...interesting for a while after that.

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