The First Memory

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There may be some touchy elements in this from now on including rape and/or torture, you have been warned.

It hurt so bad. You wanted to scream, pull your hair out, hit someone, anything to fight the pain that laced your body, radiating from the center of your spine. The smell of burning flesh hung so heavy in the air you could almost taste it. When the hot iron was removed from your back you thought it would bring relief, instead the second cool air hit it, it stung fiercely, making you shudder with each throb it sent through your body. You choked back a sob, they wouldn't hear a peep out of you. You wouldn't give them that satisfaction.

"You'll be fun to break." The man holding the iron stood in front of you now.

He was heavy set, clothed in white with a rectangular see-through helmet. His appearance would have been laughable in any other situation. But here he had you chained up, naked, and on your knees feeling utterly humiliated.

He grabbed your jaw roughly, forcing you too look him in the eye. "I won't tolerate a disrespectful slave. Be a good little whore and maybe I'll reward you." The iron was tossed to the side, the clattering of it hitting the floor making you jump slightly but you never took your eyes off him. "They said you are a virgin when I bought you. Why don't we make sure they didn't lie?"

Your heart sank as he licked his thin lips and ran his greedy eyes along your body, lingering at your chest and between your legs. His hand went to the front of his pants and you closed your eyes. No matter what he did, you'd never make a noise.

You woke gasping for air and trembling. Your head was pounding and your mouth was dry.

"I'm never drinking again." You groaned to yourself.

Sunlight poured in through the porthole and it made your head ache more than anything else. You groaned again, rolling over to shield your eyes in the comfort of the pillows. A sudden knock at your door pulled you from your self loathing.

"Yes?" You croaked.

"It's Penguin!" He called from the other side. "I wanted to check on you since you never made it to breakfast."

"Thanks." You sighed. "I'm fine, just super hung over."

There was a muffled chuckle. "We all thought you'd be when captain had to carry you back. Do you need anything?"

"No, thanks. I'll be out in a bit."

"Alright." He paused. "Most of us are staying on the ship today so uh, if you want to hang out...."

"I'll keep that in mind." You smiled to yourself through the pain.

"Okay, see you later then!" You listened to him walk away and then slowly got up.

Luckily the bucket Law left for you went unused. You were very proud of that. You should have drank the water before passing out though. Better late than never, you downed it quickly and headed to the bathroom, hoping a shower would help you feel better. After undressing, you turned the water on until it was almost scalding and hopped in, enjoying the feeling of it running down your back.

But it made you think about the dream and the fact that the bathroom was missing a mirror. You needed to check, to be sure it was nothing more than a dream and you were honestly too scared to reach back and feel for tale tell scarring. It would have to wait until you felt more brave. The shower dragged on longer than you planned, but you were stuck in your own thoughts. And the more you lingered on the dream, the more tense you felt. So much for a rinse off making you feel better.

You gave up and got out, wrapping a towel around you to find a clean change of clothes. Even if it was warm on the island, you felt the need to be more covered today, going for jeans and a tee. After putting on your boots, you headed out of your room, not entirely sure of what your plans were for the day. Food sounded like a good place to start though. Penguin said you'd missed breakfast and your body wasn't letting you forget about that.

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