Caesar Clown

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You had an island name but not a location, not yet at least.

But there were other things to think about, like how imposing Punk Hazard really was. The submarine had finally hit the island and you were awestruck by it. One half was how you pictured hell would look. The waters around it boiled angrily from the heat it emitted, the crumbled buildings on it seemed almost like they drooped under the hot air, unable to support themselves properly with the high temperature.

On the other side, it was the complete opposite. Thick snow covered the rough terrain and fell from the sky in droves, covering almost all the man-made structures. Ice formed around the land mass in giant sheets and you didn't doubt the water was cold enough to kill.

Law had spoken to the man running things on this wasteland, Caesar Clown, over transponder snail and you were set to meet up with him on the cold side of the island. That worked for you. You can layer indefinitely to fight the cold but taking off layers in heat was a different matter. So you both stood on deck, wearing your matching coats. Everyone else was below deck, waiting to see how things played out. If the plan went smoothly, you'd stay here on Punk Hazard with Law while the rest of the crew went to Zou.

There wasn't really a back up plan if things didn't work out, Law was confident he could get on Caesar's good side and you put your trust in him. He was captain for a reason after all.

The submarine wove through a small river, coming to a stop near a huge building. Besides the snow slowly coating the top of it, it seemed well maintained, like it was the one part of the island that was used on a regular basis. You felt that theory was confirmed when you saw a woman standing in front of the building's huge doors, waving at you and Law.

You both hopped off the deck and your feet sunk into soft snow. It was fine and powdery, terrible for a snowball fight if you ever decided to have a repeat of the one you'd had with the crew before. The snow hit about halfway up your calves, making it a tad difficult to trudge through. Long legged Law didn't struggle at all. Usually he'd tease you about having to work a little harder than him but he took on a serious demeanor. This was going to be all business until he and Caesar came to an agreement.

The two of you came to a stop in front of the woman. She was all smiles, her long, green hair framed her face with wild waves and there was a sharp, yet warm look to her brown eyes. She immediately gave you the creeps, something about her felt off, and it hand nothing to do with her being crazy enough to be outside in only a tank top and jeans.

"You must be Trafalgar Law and (Y/n)." Her smile widened as she held out her hand. "I'm Monet, it's a pleasure to meet you."

After hesitating a second, you shook her offered hand, if only to avoid seeming rude. Her grasp was loose, lazy and the look on her face felt fake to you. When she turned to Law, he ignored her outstretched hand, watching her with pursed lips and a disapproving stare.

"I'd like to meet with Caesar."

"Of course." She chirped, completely fine with Law's behavior. "He's right inside, I'll take you to him."

She slipped past one of the doors and you were just now noticing it was cracked open enough for someone to pass through. You followed behind and Law brought up the rear. Once inside, it wasn't much warmer, not in the large halls at least. The floors were a slick tile and the walls were a pristine white, only amplifying the chill.

Monet walked with confidence and you had you move twice as fast to keep up. She didn't seem to care that you were having to work to not fall behind but you weren't about to complain. You were getting better about picking and choosing your battles after the run in with Kid.

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