Take a Break

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"Here's the promised amount." Killer handed a box to Penguin who then checked to make sure it was all there.

"I should be charging you double after that stunt Eustass-ya. Touch her again and I kill you." Law looked calm and collected on the outside, but you could tell he was seething.

"Don't bring her on my ship then. If I see her again I'm making her my whore. It wouldn't be hard to train her to use that mouth for things other than talking back." Kid leaned back on the barrel behind him, a delighted smile on his face.

"You won't be seeing her again, or me if I can help it."

Penguin gave Law a nod, saying that everything was there and the captain took a hold of your arm before leading you down to the dock, the sounds of Kid's laughter following you.

The walk back to the Polar Tang was brisk, quiet, and uncomfortably tense. You were sure Law was going to chew you out the second you and him were alone. You were too tired to care much about that though. Staying up all night to guard the door for him wasn't your idea of a great way to spend the night.

It was worse for him though. It had to be. Law had to use his devil fruit abilities to help speed things along on top of being up all night and he had the dark bags under his eyes to prove it. It was honestly amazing that he was moving so well right now. You assumed he was powered solely by anger at this point.

Back at your favorite yellow submarine, the crew was waiting on deck for your return. The moment you were on board, they all exchanged worried glances, noticing the dark marks around your throat and the pissed off energy their captain radiated.

He kept his hold on you as he addressed the rest of the crew. "Go to town for a bit. Stock up, do whatever. Don't come back until noon at the earliest."

Penguin's shoulders slumped. He was probably hoping to get some sleep once he got back. You mouthed a sincere sorry to him as he passed by, handing Law the box and heading back down the way you'd come along with everyone else. When the crew was gone, Law wordlessly took you into the ship and led you to his room. He'd already spent a bit of time worrying over your bruised neck on Kid's and come to the conclusion that he couldn't do anything to make it look or feel better. But you didn't think he'd take you to his room.

"Sit." He pointed to the bed and you sat on the edge of it, waiting for the rant that was to come. He placed the box in his closet and stood over you, arms folded like he was ready to chastise a child.

"Look I-"

"Don't. All I asked was for you to behave yourself for one night. One night. Now look at you, he could have killed you if he wasn't in a decent mood (Y/n)." He dropped the cute part he added at the end of people's name. He was dead serious.

"I know. I just panicked and I started saying things before I could think." You stared into your lap, not wanting to see the look of disappointment on his face anymore.

Law sighed. "Here's the deal. We need to work on that attitude of yours, along with more training. You can say whatever you want to whoever you want when you're strong enough to defend yourself better. Until then please listen to me, I don't give orders just to hear myself talk."

"Okay." God you felt horrible, worse than when Kid himself touched you.

"Hey." Law lifted your chin up to look you in the eye. "Don't beat yourself up too much over it. Kid did enough of that. The only reason we're having this talk is because I don't want to lose you over something that could have been prevented."

"You think Kid could've knocked some more sense into me? I mean, even Penguin was trying to get me to shut up and I still couldn't take the hint." You tried to laugh but it came out a bit strained as you fought not to cry at the same time.

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