Past, Present, and Future

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"What do you mean you blame me?"

You swallowed back the hurt feeling. You hardly remembered Atticus but from what you knew, you cared for him deeply. There was no way you'd land him in here. Not on purpose.

"You're the reason I'm stuck in prison for life." He snapped before taking a deep breath and regaining a cool composure. "Let's start with what you already know. Fill me in."

You nodded hesitantly. "There's not a lot yet but I remember bits and pieces of you and a kid, Leo. I think he's my brother."

You tugged the ever present locket out from under your shirt and saw the flash of recognition in his eyes.

"I've got both yours and his picture in here. I don't know his details, not yet at least. But I know the three of us were living together and were on the move often. Past that...."

"Whatever you don't want to talk about, I already know about. Just spit it out." He grumbled.

None of your memories of Atticus could have ever told you how gruff and harsh he could be. You weren't a fan of it.

"Besides that I remember parts of a time when I was a slave to a celestial dragon. When I got my mark and what they put me through."

No one had heard about this besides Law. You hadn't found the courage to talk about it yet but you said it so easily for Atticus. Maybe it'd be easier with the crew now too. You'd waited long enough to talk to them.

"That's it?" He asked curtly.

"That's it." You sighed.

"Alright. Let's start with the boy." He jabbed a finger towards the locket. "Leo is your brother and I'm guessing since he's not with you, you don't know where he is."

He studied you for a moment, gauging your reaction carefully. You were excited to know you had family and from the sounds of it, he was probably still alive somewhere. That alone made this trip worth it.

"He's a sweet kid, about six years younger than you and smarter than most people. He ate a devil fruit when he was younger, around the time he was five, and got the ability to turn into a snow leopard. Now if you're going to want to find him, you're going to have to look into your past and that locket a bit more. Chances are, Leo left you a hint for where he was heading."

"O-okay." You squirmed around on the floor a bit, ready to leap to your feet and do everything you could to find your forgotten brother. "Why'd we separate in the first place?"

"For the same reason I'm stuck in here." Atticus growled. "Shit hit the fan."

You waited for him to continue, raising an eyebrow at him expectantly.

"It started with how we made our living. We all came from rough backgrounds so I took you kids in on the condition that you'd learn to do some work for me. And you did, quite well actually. Much better than I expected."

His hard exterior gave way to a softer expression as he eyes gained a distant look. Impel Down made him rough but below that, he may still be the man in your memories. Atticus cleared his throat and continued.

"We were smuggling supplies from one country to another during a war at first. Medical herbs, food, sometimes weapons if the pay was good enough. Once that died down we moved on to other odd jobs that were considered unsavory by Marines. I didn't care too much about what the work was, as long as the pay was decent but eventually they started to catch on to who was behind it and no amount of island hopping kept them from figuring who we were. You and me at least. Leo stayed out of the work so he managed to avoid pissing them off."

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