A Piece of the Puzzle

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Greedy hands touched every part of your body they could reach. You shivered in disgust but it only encouraged him. You hated this, being the favorite meant you spent many nights with the Celestial Dragon as his personal bed warmer. Tonight he was even handsier than usual, groping your breasts, butt, and anything else he could reach. The first time he ever touched you was painful. He wasn't big or impressive by any means, but he took your virginity and wasn't kind about it.

It didn't hurt anymore. Most of the time at least. But as soon as he started you couldn't wait for him to be done. Nothing was worse than knowing you had to put up with being someone's personal toy. There was no real foreplay. Just him touching you until he got it up before pushing you to your knees and shoving himself down your throat.

There was no mercy, no being gentle. A lustful grin spread across his thin lips as he ravaged your mouth. You fought the urge to gag but having such a vile man do this to you made it hard. You managed to make it work though, turning your focus to how you'd someday escape him instead. It was only a matter of time and when you did get free of your chains, he'd be the first person you'd kill.

These dreams were going to be a pain if they were all like this, about your time as a slave. At least you knew a little more about yourself, though knowing that you lost your virginity to a self centered slimeball wasn't your idea of a fun fact. It explained why you didn't like other people touching you at least. Thinking about how he touched you made you feel the same way you did when anyone so much as even brushed against you.

You let your mind wander to your time with Law yesterday to forget about the dream. He sat with you in the rec room, both of you had hot cups of coffee in hand to warm up from the game outside. For some reason, when he chose to sit by you, you felt nervous butterflies wreak havoc in your belly. You weren't attracted to him before, but recently you started noticing more charming small details about him.

His constant smirk used to annoy you but now you loved watching his mouth turn up to the expression. You noticed he had a habit of drumming his fingers along whatever he had in his hands when he was thinking. Yesterday, it was the coffee cup. He would tap his tattooed fingers across it's surface right before saying something in his usual calm, cool way.

It could've been because of the crew's weird behavior, but you were very aware of every movement he made, every time he leaned a little closer or brushed a limb against you. You were lucky he couldn't hear your heart pounding away in your chest. But despite your nerves, the alone time with Law was great. You talked about nothing in particular, just whatever came to mind and not a single argument came up. That was rare considering how much you two liked to bicker over simple things. The rest of the crew came back that evening, as promised. They found you two laughing together in the same spot that you'd gotten comfortable in when you'd first gotten back to the ship.

It was a good, easy day for you. Today wasn't going to be the same though. Law said you were supposed to spar with someone today for practice. If you were lucky and he was right about you being a fighter before losing your memories, your body should remember how to move. Muscle memory is a wonderful thing.

You wasted no time rolling out of bed and getting dressed, grabbing the coat Law gave you as well. It smelled strongly of coffee, just like he usually did. The scent seemed to permiate everything of his. It was something else you were only recently noticing.

The man himself was already out on the ship's deck. You found him after eating a quick breakfast, tapping his sword against his shoulder as he waited for you with Bepo beside him. "(Y/n)-ya, you slept in." His tone said he was annoyed but his smile said otherwise. He was happy to see you.

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