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"Hey (N/n)?"

You were shook awake by small hands and when you opened your eyes, you were met with a bright, (e/c) pair staring right back at you. They were framed by a sweet, young face that looked a little gaunt. Your brother had missed more than a few meals as of late but at least it wasn't as much as you. You always made sure he was taken care of before yourself. Someone had to.

"What's the matter?"

You sat up and the thin blanket that covered you fell away. The "bed" wasn't in much better shape. You'd managed to stuff the matress with old straw you snuck from the nearby farm. It wasn't enough for the farmer to miss.

"She's back." He whispered as he crawled into the bed with you.

A sigh left you. By she, he meant your mother, though you felt no connection to her besides blood. She spent her days wandering the streets for money, either begging it off of strangers or servicing men to earn it, only to spend it on her vices. Gambling was her addiction and if there was a cure, she didn't want anything to do with it.

Once every few days, she'd come back to the rickety shack you called a home to sleep off her exhaustion and berate you and your brother. While she was gone, it was your job to find extra funds to fuel her gambling habits and if you didn't get anything, she'd get so furious she'd beat you bloody. You'd learned some tricks for picking up quick cash though and it'd been a long time since she last layed a finger on you. As for Leo, as long as he stayed out of sight, she didn't bother with him.

That was why he was here now. The "home" only had two rooms. When your mother was here, she claimed one and your brother would share yours until she stumbled back out to the streets for a few days. This time, he apparently hadn't left the room fast enough. There was a small gash on his cheek that still had fresh blood slowly gathering at its edges and his lip was busted, telling you all you needed to know.

She'd gotten a hold of him and given him a quick beating for being in her way. She always hated your brother and you couldn't figure out why.

You held his face gently to get a closer look at the wound in the poor lighting. It wasn't bad enough for stitches but it still angered you that she touched him.

"It's fine, don't hurt." He said quickly, pulling away.

It was an obvious lie, one both of you told each other any time you were hurt, but you were tired of hearing it from him. He was too young to be putting up with this. And you were done with your mother hurting him.

"Hey Leo, I've got an idea." You replied.

"What kind?"

"The good kind."

He suddenly looked curious but a little apprehensive. "Mom doesn't like it when we get ideas though."

"That's why this one's good." You insisted. "It won't matter what she thinks."

"How's that?"

You raised a finger to your lips, telling him to be quite as you huddled closer to him. The walls here were paper thin and it was important that no one else heard.

"She can't do nothing if we leave."

His eyes widened. "Like, forever?"

You nodded. "Yup. We can take the money and get onto a ship. She won't be able to find us so we won't get in trouble."

"We can't 'fford to get on a ship." He frowned. Even at his age, he understood how money worked around here, how expensive it was to do anything.

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