Shopping with the Captain

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Law gave you the rant of a lifetime as you reached the island and stumbled on to it. They gave you a pair of extra boots they had lying around to wear until you got your own but they were a couple sizes too big. You felt like a clown trying to walk in them. But watching you trip up occasionally was enough to make Law forget about you calling him by name and the sexist comment.

As soon as you reached the heart of town it was easy to ignore the captains complaining as you allowed yourself the chance to take in your surroundings. It was similar to the town he found you in. There was a wide assortment of different shops and stores open, each with someone vying for your attention as you walked past in an attempt to have you buy something. The biggest difference between this town and the last was the market here was widely focused on flowers. It made sense, the area was full of tourists and visitors from what you gathered and they were very interested in the islands unique flowers.

You couldn't blame them as you lingered at one of the stalls selling them. They were beautiful, some with colors and shapes you'd never seen on any plant before.

"Told you you'd be trying to spend too much money." Law watched you eye the flowers.

"I wasn't planning on getting any, looking is free!" You snapped. "Not like I could anyway, you have the money."

"Easier to keep track of funds that way." He drawled and smiled.

"Whatever." You rolled your eyes and grinned back. The warmth and sunlight against your skin had you feeling good. Arguing over small things wasn't on today's menu. "Are we just picking up stuff for me or did you have other plans?" You left the flower stand and started searching for a clothing shop.

"The guys have everything else covered. We can take our time and explore if we want." Law tapped his sword against his shoulder. You don't know why he brought it. There were no Marines here and the island was peaceful. Each to their own you guess.

"Can we get the shopping done real quick first? I want to change into something more comfortable." While it was nice getting into the clean clothes, they were too warm for this island. You could go for some shorts and a tank top.

"Sure. We'll do that and head back to the ship for a short while." He agreed.

It wasn't hard to find a clothing shop since you were technically in the middle of the town's shopping district. Once inside Law stood near the entrance and mumbled something about letting him know when you were done so he could pay. Apparently he wasn't in the mood to follow you around and pick out women's clothes. That worked for you, it would be weird having your captain see the underclothes you needed as well.

You kept it simple, a few pairs of shorts and jeans, a couple tank tops and a few shirts, along with bras and such of course. You grabbed a pair of sandals and boots, excited to have something to wear besides the ones you were currently borrowing. And to top it all off, half the shit you got was on sale. Law couldn't complain about you spending too much money now. Arms full of your new wardrobe, you found the captain right where you left him.

"All set." You got his attention.

"That was faster than I thought you'd be." He said, surprised.

"I knew what I wanted." You shrugged. "Let's get this done so we can check out what's fun around here."

He grunted and followed you over to pay for everything, just as pleased at the price as you thought he'd be. With bags in hand, you two wandered down back to the ship in mutual silence until a question popped into your head.

"So I think it's safe to assume I won't be staying in the infirmary any more?"

"No. That's my work space when no one's in there."

"So where am I staying, with Ikkaku?" Law opened the door leading into the submarine, letting you pass before following through.

"I thought about that but her room isn't big enough to share with someone else. You have your own."

Your own wardrobe and now your own room. Things were sounding great.

"This is it." He stopped in front of a door. It was across the hall from the men's room and right by Ikkaku's. Law's was a bit further down.

You pushed the door open and stepped in. It was small, but big enough that it fit a bed with a nightstand and a dresser. There was a single porthole over the head of the bed that was currently letting sunlight in. It'll be cool to see under the ocean through it once the ship submerged. Off to the side was another door that was currently open. You could see it led to an equally small private bathroom.

"It's not much but it's separate from the men." Law leaned in the doorway and watched you take in your surroundings.

"It's perfect." You gave him a genuine smile. It felt good knowing you had things that were yours. Living off borrowed things made you feel about as off as not having any of your memories.

"Good. Take your time getting organized, I'm going out by myself for a while. You're welcome to do the same, we're going to be here for a couple days." He closed the door behind him as he left.

The captain could be snappy at times but he wasn't too bad. You were enjoying spending some time to get to know him better, especially now that you were healed up and could go places. You hopped in the bathroom to check it out further. The bath was to one side with everything else on the other, including a narrow linen closet with a couple clean towels and toiletries in it. Back in the room you noticed there was a shelf by the bed you didn't see before. That'd be a good place for books when you got a few of your own.

Content with exploring your new room, you put away your spoils from shopping, while keeping a change of clothes out to wear. It was warm enough out that shorts and a tank top were a good option. Once changed, you threw on the sandals and headed back out to explore. Law was long gone, as you expected and you wasted no time lingering on the ship either. You weren't sure what there was to do on the island, but wandering around was enough to make you happy.

You started on the beach, moseying along and listening to the sounds of the waves hitting the shore and the occasional gull cry as they flew low overhead. It was blissfully peaceful and a welcome change of pace from the rowdiness of the crew. You'd grown to like them a lot, but time away from them felt necessary every once in a while. It made you wonder how someone as grumpy as Law could tolerate being holed up with them for so long.

Not far from the beach, there was the sounds of what you guessed was a party of some kind coming from a thick of trees. You figured nosing around it wouldn't hurt. Parties meant alcohol and good food after all. As you got closer, you saw figures dancing around a roaring fire, bellows of laughter contending with the sound of music playing. Your lips curled up in a smile when you noticed Shachi and Penguin in the crowd, holding each other up while they drank from mugs.

"So this is what you guys have been up to huh?" You approached them with a bounce in your step.

"(Y/n)! It's soooo great to see you!" Shachi cheered, letting Penguin fall to the ground as he stumbled towards you. They were both completely wasted.

"Good to see you too." You giggled and walked around the drunken man to help Penguin back up to his feet.

"You gotta try some of this stuff (Y/n), it's pretty good." Penguin's head lulled against your shoulder as he offered you his mug.

"I'll have to take your word on it for now." You pushed the mug back into his chest and looked around, finding what you wanted quickly. "I haven't eaten all day so food takes priority." You felt yourself practically drooling over the spread that graced the huge table off to the side.

"Can't drink on an empty stomach!" Shachi nodded, his sunglasses scooting down his nose from the force of it.

"I mean, she could if she wanted to get drunk faster." Penguin slurred.

"The sun hasn't gone down yet guys, I've got plenty of time to drink."

Shachi pulled Penguin off of you and they both cheered, happy that you were up for spending the rest of the day with them. You were too, it had been a good day, even if half of it was spent doing menial work.

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