Party Hard

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You weren't the only person to stumble across the party. It was growing steadily as more people joined in and more food and drink appeared. More of the crew found their way to it as well, joining you, Shachi, and Penguin in the festivities. You were a few drinks in when you noticed a certain white bear squeezing his was through the crowd.

"Bepo!" You swung an arm around wildly to get his attention, nearly falling off of the barrel you were using as a chair.

He managed to make his way to you, giving a worried glance to Shachi who was passed out against the barrel. You don't know where Penguin disappeared to but Jean Bart went with him so you weren't stressing.

"Is he okay?" Bepo gave Shachi a poke to the face and the man grumbled in return.

"Oh yeah." You giggled. "He had a bit too much to drink is all."

Your captain came into view to stand near Bepo, watching some of the crew pass by to refill their drinks. "Do we even know what this is all for?" He asked you, a slight smile on his face.

"No idea, but the food's good and the alcohol is better." You got to your feet and offered Law your mug.

He was about to turn you down until he smelled the strong alcohol. Most of the people were drinking the sake or rum, you'd gone for whiskey instead. And apparently that was something he was willing to drink. He took it, sipping at it cautiously before wrapping both his hands around it and giving you an even wider smile.

"I wasn't planning on sticking around but I guess I could for a while. Let's get some more of this." He motioned for you to lead the way, already finishing off the whiskey.

"Sure thing captain." You skipped ahead, having no problem weaving through the people, even with the alcohol in your system making the world spin around you.

Law had a much harder time getting through the crowd and almost lost sight of you a couple times as people jostled him around. For someone who didn't like being touched, you handled the mass of people quite well compared to your captain. That could have been the alcohol working its magic though.

You stopped at a table full of drinks. Most were in huge barrels while some others were in glass bottles, a few empty ones littered the surrounding ground.

"Here we go!" You said cheerily after scanning the bottles for the one you wanted. It hadn't been opened yet and you weren't planning on anyone else finding it.

Law finally got to you, glaring at the last person who bumped into him. "Maybe I won't stay, there's too much going on here."

A pout took over your features. This would probably be the only time you'd get to see him drink and relax for a while and you weren't about to let this chance pass you by.

"There's a quiet spot I found on the beach. We could go there for a bit." You suggested. That walk you took by yourself earlier was going to come in handy.

"I could go for some quiet time." He said, his normally sharp eyes softening a bit at the thought.

"C'mon then, there shouldn't be anyone there." You waved the bottle in his face and found a fresh mug on the table since Law took yours.

This time you were able to think clearly enough to go around the mass of people so he didn't have to fight his way through them. You paused once you reached sand and took a second to remember where the spot was.

"So you know where you're going?" Law stooped down low enough to pluck the bottle from your hand and fill his cup back up.

"Yes." You said with certainty, eyeing a group of rocks close to the waves. They were hard to see at first through the darkness as night had fallen but you were able to make out the perch. "Right over here."

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