Snow White

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True to his word, Law dragged you back into the infirmary and had you stuck in bed the rest of the day. But not before chasing you to the rec room with him yelling about how he wasn't a pervert. You bet your ass there were people in there who heard him loud and clear. He basically sabotaged himself and that alone made suffering through the storm worth it.

He thought the bed rest would be decent punishment for you, shooting you dirty looks and smirks as he worked at the desk in the infirmary on who knows what. Little did he know that in your attempt to not die that day, you'd tired yourself out and fell asleep rather quickly. He was left to grumble to himself while you slept like a baby under warm sheets.

The next few days you were sore as hell though, making the trip on the next island a real pain. At least it was a short visit. The log pose was set after a half day and supplies were restocked just as fast. Law was sure to make you work hard on menial tasks as you healed up. You considered it his revenge for the crew calling him a pervert when they thought he wasn't nearby or listening.

After a few days he calmed down, returning to his usual cool attitude and was less of a slave driver. He even "happened" to find a couple more books for you. You were almost positive he bought them when the ship docked. Things went back to normal, with him hovering around you instead of other crew members. You wanted to say he did it because he was as curious as you were about your forgotten memories but he never pried, never asked if you remembered anything else past the one with the celestial dragon.

A few crew mates had made passing comments about how much time he spent around you, with plenty of suggestive nudges and eyebrow wiggles but you ignored them. While you could admit Law was very good looking and you enjoyed his company despite the occasional bickering, there was no way he took interest in you like that. And even if he did, relationships were the last thing on your mind right now.

As the days turned into weeks you became increasingly frustrated with the locket around your neck. You were about ready to chuck the damn thing into the ocean. But you still felt a weird attachment to it. No matter how much not being able to solve it irritated you to no end, you still found yourself fiddling with it constantly for comfort. Opening it may be impossible for all you knew but keeping it around made you feel like you'd remember something more soon enough. Hopefully something good.

"(Y/n)-ya, we're ready, let's go." Law said.

It had been a few weeks since the last island and the men were excited to step on solid ground. You weren't. There was tons of snow covering the winter island and you knew it'd be freezing.

"I don't have a coat." You stared out the porthole you usually sat under in the rec room, watching the snow fall.

"I should have one that fits you, it's about time to get you away from those books for a while." You stared at him from your perch, taking in his full length black coat. It almost covered down his legs entirely.

"By fits I hope you mean it's not as long as that one. I need a coat, not a dress."

"It's shorter, it'll fit right. Come on." A small smile curled his lips up slightly as you fell in step beside him.

He led you to his room. You'd never been in there before, no one besides him had as far as you knew. You hesitated to go in but he pushed a palm between your shoulder blades, sending you in ahead of him. He'd been a little touchier since you'd fallen overboard. There were still days when you'd rather he wasn't, but it was getting easier to deal with.

"Give me a second to find it." He made his way to a closet and pushed around the shirts and jackets in it to find the coat.

While he was busy, you allowed yourself to check out his room. It was much bigger than yours, with a queen size bed set right dead center against the back wall with nightstands, a dresser, and a bookshelf with a couple chairs nearby. There was another door off to the side that must have led to his own private bath. It'd be strange if you had one and he didn't after all. As expected, everything was pretty tidy. He kept the ship and his workspace in the infirmary clean so it made sense his room was equally well kept.

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