Not My Circus

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The time it took to get back to Punk Hazard felt longer than what it really was. You had plenty of time to mull over your current situation, cry your eyes out, and compose yourself for meeting back up with your lover. You missed Law terribly with everything that had happened and were wanting nothing more than to curl up with him and tell him how shitty the past couple weeks had been.

The letter weighed you down but you felt it wasn't quite the time to read it yet, mostly because just thinking about it was enough to make you misty eyed. So the entire ride back, you fiddled with the envelope constantly. By the time Punk Hazard was in sight, there were more than a few new creases in it.

You didn't forget about the mini transponder snail and called Law as soon as you could make out the island, knowing you'd be close enough to get a signal. It rang for a while and you were beginning to worry when he finally picked up as you stubbornly waited to hear his voice.

"(Y/n)-ya!" He sounded out of breath, gasping and struggling to get your name out.

"Why do you sound like you've ran a marathon?" You squinted as the island became clearer. Something about it looked off.

"You're timing is perfect." He groaned slightly, like he was in pain. "Things have changed around here. The plan has been put into action but there's been many new.....additions."

"I don't like the sound of that. I'll be on the island in maybe ten minutes, what do you need me to do?"

"Go to the back of the cold half. The rest of the island is covered in a poison gas and that is about the be the only safe spot soon enough."

"Holy shit, what are you up to?" You didn't think things would blow up this much.

"I can't talk more just yet but I'll explain when I meet you there."

Before you could reply, he hung up and you were left flustered. The men stood around, obviously as confused as you were. It should have bothered you that they were listening in but you didn't care right now.

"You heard him." You huffed. "Get us around the island! No where else on it is safe."

They jumped into action, ignoring the comments about your plan and focusing on getting the ship in the right direction. In the mean time, you stood at the front of the deck, nervously watching the island come further into view. A purplish mist clung to the land mass and you could only assume it was the poison. It was thick, making it hard to distinguish any shapes or landmarks but you knew the layout of the island quite well. Not to mention as you went around, it was easy to see exactly where Law wanted you.

The space behind the labs was completely clear of the gas and the building worked perfectly as a buffer to keep the gas away. The stuff was too dense and heavy to flow over the top of the building and it was effectively stopped. Or so you thought until you noticed holes in the lab's structure. Gas was leaking in and you hoped Law was safe. He was probably doing his best to stay clear of the mess.

Behind the labs was one of Caesar's huge tankers and your ship crept closer to it until it came to a stop. The men dropped the anchor and you wasted no time leaping off the deck and down to the snow. One of the men tossed down your coat and you slipped it on as you started off towards the building. You weren't about to wait when you could go find Law.

"Oi! I can't let you in there!"

You didn't see anyone on the tanker but a voice definitely came from it. You twisted around to see who was yelling at you, only to see a large, vaguely humanoid robot standing on the deck, looking down at you.

"What?" You called back, trying to see if it was the robot or if someone else was hiding in the shadows.

"You must be one of Caesar's men." The voice definitely came from the robot. It looked ready to jump down and attack but you held your hands up in defense.

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