Santa Carla, California

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A/N-  In this story, Michael is still a vampire. He's a full one, too. I'm also creating another vampire that you guys will get to meet later on.

"Emmett, how is it possible that we have a seven year old and a fourteen year old back there, yet you're the only one starting problems?" I snap at my older brother as he kicks the back of my seat for the thousandth time.

He smirks. "Don't know. Maybe it's because I'm the oldest, so I should have shotgun."

I roll my eyes at his logic.

"You're only older by one year, stupid. And we're graduating at the same time next year."

He scoffs.

"That's only because you managed to ace a few tests!"

I shrug.

My dad looks at me, then my brother.

"Guys, stop arguing. You're setting a bad example for your sisters," he scolds.

I turn around to look at my younger siblings. Hayden, the seven year old, is asleep with her stuffed turtle clutched to her chest. Stella, the fourteen year old, has headphones in and is staring out the window.

"They aren't even listening, dad," Emmett snorts.

My dad sighs. "Aurora?" He looks at me.

I nod.


My favorite Guns n' Roses song comes on the radio then. At the same time, my dad and I both reach down to turn the volume up. We laugh at that as I turn it up.

I stare outside at the bright blue sky as we sing along. As the song is coming to an end, my dad points to the giant sign that reads Santa Carla.

"We're here," he says.

I take a look at our surroundings. There's a rather large beach, something I've never experienced. I grew up in Austin, Texas, and didn't travel much as a kid. My parents were always too busy fighting for things like family vacations. Emmett and Stella have both gone with friends, but I've never been the best at making friends. I mostly just stuck to my school work and minded my own business. As a result, I became one of the best in my class and even skipped a grade. All the studying gave me a distraction from the ceaseless bickering at home.

My mom took care of the arguing problem, though. She stormed out a few months ago, taking everything with her and leaving my father with a broken heart. Not to mention her four children, who she hasn't spoken to since.

My dad thought moving to Santa Carla would be a good idea. After all, his sister, Eleanor, did. It changed her life for the better. She's married now and has beautiful twin girls.

That's who is waiting for us at the house my dad bought. They're sitting in their red car, and we pull up next to them.

"Aunt Ella!" Stella exclaims as she undoes her seatbelt.

My dad shuts off the car and we get out. Eleanor hugs us all as her husband, Benjamin, gets the twins out.

"Thought I'd never see you again, little bro," Eleanor jokes as she hugs my dad.

"Yeah, like you guys don't come every Christmas," my dad laughs.

Looking at my dad and aunt, you'd never know they were related. My dad has dirty blonde hair, like all my siblings, while my aunt has bright ginger hair. My dad's eyes are brown, while Eleanor's are light blue.

"Adelaide! Addison!" My sister, Hayden exclaims as the twins come running at her. They're only two years younger than she is, so they've always been close.

"I don't know why you two always dress them the same. They look nothing alike," Emmett tells Eleanor.

It's true. The only thing the twins have in common is the dark skin tone. Each of them look like one of their parents, who also look nothing alike.

"Because they're still twins. And we want people to know that," Eleanor says as if she's been offended. Probably she has. Everything upsets her.

"I guess," Emmett chuckles.

The twins at least look like their parents. My siblings look just like my dad, with the brown eyes and light, wavy hair. I don't look like either of my parents. My hair is dark brown and I have dark green eyes. I look so unlike them, in fact that it's been a running joke for years now that I'm adopted.

"We came by to see if you guys wanted help carrying stuff in," Ben says.

As he's talking, the moving truck pulls in with my cousin. My dad paid him to drive it all the way here, since apparently Emmett and I can't be trusted enough.

"Yeah, that'd be great. Thanks," my dad says.

We spend the next several hours moving our stuff in. Then my dad leaves to get pizza, towing Hayden along with him. Eleanor's family leaves.

"What do you think about this place?" Stella asks as she leans against the kitchen counter.

I frown. "It could be worse. Maybe we'll like it. There's a beach."

She nods and looks at our brother. "What about you, Em?"

He hesitates.

"I'll miss Austin. That's where my friends are."

"You can make new friends," I say.

He shrugs. I sigh and think for a moment.

"Why don't we go to the boardwalk tomorrow? You could meet some people. They have all kinds of stuff," I suggest.

They both agree, giving me my first thing to look forward to in this new town.

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