Strange Dates & Mysterious Boys

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"Emmett, where are you going?" I ask. He's getting ready to leave, though we just got back.

He smiles at me. "I set up a date earlier with Raven."

"Oh. Well, have fun."


I watch him leave, then head up to my bedroom. There isn't much to do, so I turn on some music and deep clean my room. Once it's spotless, I take a long shower and climb into bed.

For some reason, that strange David kid is in my mind. I can't stop thinking about the few words he said to me. It's uncomfortable being around him, so I'm not sure why he's in my brain. I'm also uncertain of why I dream about him, once I manage to fall asleep.

When I wake up, Emmett still isn't home. I find Stella sitting at the kitchen table, eating cereal and sipping orange juice.

"Hey. Where's Emmett?" I question.

She shrugs.

"Don't know. I think he stayed out with that girl."

I frown and join her at the table. Emmett may be a little wild, but he's never been the type to stay out all night. He knows it worries us.

"What about dad?" I wonder.

She looks up from her magazine. "He went to find a job."

I nod, knowing I'll need to do the same soon. It'll be difficult for dad to support the four of us on his own, even with the money from the divorce and the child support.

Hayden walks in then, rubbing her eyes.

"Morning," she says.

"Good morning," I answer.

She plops down into the chair next to me and yawns again.

"Is Emmett awake?"

I'm about to tell her he isn't home yet when he walks into the front door. Grinning, he joins us at the table.

"Have fun?" Stella wiggles her eyebrows at him.

He laughs. "As a matter of fact, I did."

I frown, looking at Hayden.

"Guys, shut up."

Emmett rolls his eyes.

"Oh, come on. She's seven."

"But I'm smart!" Hayden throws in. "I know what you guys did!"

I cringe as my other siblings laugh.

I pour a glass of orange juice.

"Oh! Guess who I saw, Aurora?" Emmett asks.

"Who?" I ask as I'm taking a drink.

"David. He wants to see you again."

I choke on my juice. Forcing it down, I cough a few times.


He nods.

"Yeah. It's weird, I thought you didn't really like him."

I nod. "Yeah, I sort of don't."

He smirks, taking the carton of juice.

"Well, I think he might like you."

I sigh.

"Well, I'm sure we won't run into each other again anytime soon."

He shrugs.

"I don't know. I kind of think you guys would be cute together."

I roll my eyes. "Emmett, I don't even know him."

Stella butts in then, grinning.

"I agree with him. That boy is cute, but he's too old for me."

Wanting to take the attention off of me, I look pointedly at Emmett.

He's still glowing from his night with Raven. It must have been really good.

"So, what did you two do last night? As your date, I mean." I wonder.

The shining in his eyes fades and he presses his lips into a line.

"Well, that's where it gets weird. We went and got ice cream, then she took me to this cave where all the other guys were. There's another girl there, too, and some kid."

I furrow my eyebrows. That is weird.


"And we were just hanging out with them. We had some food and some wine. Then everyone left except Raven and we had some fun."

He stands up, looking through the cupboards. That dismisses the subject, but adds to the increasing mystery of David and his friend group.

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