The Wine

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"A... cave?"

David nods as Marco moves around, lighting up the dark area.

Paul sits down on the edge of a fountain. Dwayne sits next to him, and Michael joins them.

"Have a seat," David tells me as he plops into a chair.

I sit across from him. A moment later, Marco sits a few feet away.

"So," David smiles.

I narrow my eyes. "I want answers."

He looks at Marco and raises an eyebrow. I guess it's some kind of weird communication thing, because Marco gets up and walks off.

"I can't give you direct answers," David says.

That pisses me off. A lot.

"Are you kidding me?" I scoff. "You dragged me here-"

"Calm down."

I glare at him, but stop talking.

Marco returns with a decorated bottle. Inside is a substance that looks a lot like red wine. The same stuff they gave Emmett, I assume. He passes it to David, who smiles at him as a thanks.

I don't take my eyes off of David as Marco sits again.

"Why can't you give me answers?" I try to keep my voice calmer this time.

"Because it's something you wouldn't believe. Or understand."

I roll my eyes. "Really?"

He nods.

"Here, taste this."

He's holding the bottle out to me.

I shake my head.

"No. That's what you gave Emmett, isn't it?"

His eyes widen for a second, then he regains his composure.

"Yeah. Why?"

I look at the bottle.

"What'd you do, poison it?" I huff.

All five of the boys laugh. It irritates me, but I don't take my eyes off of David. I just ignore it.

"No, I didn't poison it," he snickers.

I raise an eyebrow at him. "Prove it."

He rolls his eyes and puts the bottle to his lips. I watch him swallow some of it down. When he offers the bottle to me again, I take it. But I don't drink it. Instead, I examine the bottle and its contents.

"What is it?" I finally ask.

Someone snickers. David silences them with a hand in the air.

"It's wine. What else would it be?" David says.

I sigh and take a look around me. There are five pairs of eyes on me, all excited for some reason.

"What will it do?" I question.

More giggling that I choose to ignore.

"Taste good?" David laughs.

I sigh. "And then I'll understand what's happening to my brother?"

David hesitates. "Sort of, yes."

"That doesn't make sense," I state. Because it doesn't. Drink some wine, and I'll understand why my brother is so agitated? I'll understand why he doubled over in physical pain today, then insisted someone would get hurt if we didn't leave?

He huffs. "I know. Just do it. It'll make more sense soon."

Sighing, I realize I don't really have any other options. So, I take a drink of the fluid. It's cold and a little thicker than I expected it to be. It tastes odd, too. I choke it down and give the bottle to someone else.

Paul comes over, grinning. He pats my shoulder.

"Congrats, man."

"What?" I ask.

David smiles.

"Come on, Aurora."

I frown. "Where are we going now?"

Everyone around me stands up and looks at me.

"Just come with us," he sighs.

So I get up and follow them.

Welcome to the Jungle (David) (The Lost Boys)Where stories live. Discover now