A Bridge?

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A bridge. They took me to a bridge with railroad tracks. I frown as I take in my surroundings.

"Are you going to push me off or something?" I laugh quietly. They find it funny, though. Just like pretty much everything else I say.

"Course not. We're going to jump," Marco says.

I stop. "What? You guys can't jump! You'll get yourselves killed!"

They snicker at me. David slings an arm around my shoulder. In my concern, I don't shake it off.

They stop in the middle of the bridge.

"I'm serious, guys. If you need to talk or something... Maybe we can get you some help. You can't jump."

David looks at me, an easy smile on his face.

"Aurora, honey, relax. We aren't going to kill ourselves," he says.

I frown. "But Marco said-"

He nods.

"Just watch."

I turn around. Marco looks under the bridge, smiles, and then steps over the side.

I gasp and can't help but look over the side. But I can't see him.


"Hi, Aurora," Marco laughs. It makes me jump. I look around for the source of his voice.

When I find him, he's dangling from the metal railing.

"What the..."

I watch as Dwayne joins him. Then Michael, then Paul.

I look at David. He's still grinning.

"After you," he says.

I scoff.

"Are you kidding? I have no upper body strength."

He shrugs. "Don't worry about that, you're one of us."

I frown and pull myself from under his arm.

"As much as I appreciate the sentiment, I don't really think being considered an official member of your pack will give me the ability to hold myself a hundred feet in the air," I say.

He laughs.

"We won't let you fall."

I look down again. "You couldn't really stop me from falling, actually."

He laughs.

"Please, Rory?"

Sighing, I look over the edge again. The fog isn't making it look any more inviting.

After a minute or so, David sighs.

"Want help?" He asks.

"Um, sure?"

I would love help.

He chuckles and picks me up.

"Incoming!" He announces.

I'm tempted to close my eyes, but then how will I grab the bars?

I'm dropped under the bridge. David holds my arms and dangles me close to the railing. My heart drops as my eyes widen.

"Grab on," Paul says.

I clutch the bars as tight as I can. Slowly, David releases my arms.

"Jesus," I hiss. I expect that at any moment, my arms will fail and I'll fall to my death.

As David joins, everyone looks at me.

"How do you feel?" Marco asks.

I look around.

"Um, not great."

To my surprise, my arms haven't gone weak yet. It must be some weird survival thing. I can't open my Gatorade bottles by myself, but can clutch onto metal bars while supporting my entire body weight over a hundred foot or more chasm. Nice.

"Alright. Night, guys," Dwayne says. Then he's gone.

"No!" I yell. They told me they weren't going to kill themselves!


"No!" I snap at whoever just said my name.

Laughing, Paul lets go and starts to drop.

In my surprise, my fingers flip off the bars. And then I'm falling, too.

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