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"What exactly was that?" Stella crosses her arms as I walk into the kitchen the following morning. Well, afternoon. It's two.

"I didn't have much of a choice. I'm sorry. I tried saying no, but David insisted."

At the mention of his name, Stella's face lights up. Oops.

"And you stayed gone with him all night?"

I sigh.

"Yeah, kind of. But it wasn't like that."

She grins. "I want to know every detail."

I sit down with my water and consider it. What harm can it do, really?

"Well, I went to confront them at the boardwalk about the way Emmett has been acting. David said he'd explain if I went with them."

"And did they?" She asks.

I shake my head. "Not really. They had me take a drink of wine and said I'd understand soon. Then we went and hung out for a while."

I laugh in my head at the pun that she wouldn't understand, though I still have no idea how the hell any of us are alive.

"And then?"

I frown.

"Then David told everyone else to go do something else. We went to the beach, to this little closed off corner." I pause to take a drink. She waits with wide, impatient eyes. "And we asked each other questions for hours."

She grins. "Yes!"

I giggle.


She straightens her posture, reaching for an apple that rolled away from her when she demanded details.

"I knew this would happen! You guys are going to fall for each other, and then you'll end up together!"

I look at the table.

"Stella, that isn't going to happen."

She scoffs. "I'm telling you, Rory. Five years from now you guys will be married and have a couple of pretty little babies."

I turn red. I can feel it.

"You know I don't really want babies," I chuckle. They've never appealed to me much; they're whiny needy little creatures that constantly make disgusting messes you have to clean up. Their only redeeming quality? They're cute. That's it. You know what else is cute? Cats. A lot less work, too.

"But what if he does?" She asks.

I shrug. "Sucks. We can adopt, maybe."

She grins. "Ha! So you believe it, too!"

I shake my head.

"I'm speaking metaphorically, Stella."

She drops it as my dad comes in.

"I'm off to work."

I frown.

"I thought you had a day off today." Maybe I read the calendar wrong.

He grabs his coffee and a sandwich he must have made earlier.

"I was supposed to, but they need me. I'll be back tonight. Stay safe, kids."

He starts walking towards the door.

"I love you, dad," I say.

"I love you, too, kid!" He calls.

He leaves, and I'm alone with my siblings. Emmett comes down then, the hood of his jacket pulled up.

"You okay?" I ask.

He nods.

"Yeah. I'm going to make some lunch."

"Okay. I'm going to take a shower."

I head to my room and grab a change of clothes.

I keep my shower quick, not taking much time to shave or anything. As a result, I slice my leg in three places.

When I'm finished, I dry off and get dressed. It's three, but I'm finally ready to start the day.

Welcome to the Jungle (David) (The Lost Boys)Where stories live. Discover now