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"Out with Raven again?" Stella snickers.

Emmett rolls his eyes and yawns.

"You know, it's almost six o'clock. How are you just now waking up?" I ask.

Emmett shrugs. "Don't know."

Stella rolls her eyes.

"Why are you being like that so much lately?" She questions.

He pulls some grape juice from the fridge and turns around.

"Who knows, Stella? I'm a teenage boy going through stuff. You should know better than to ask that question, being the queen of angst and all that."

Hayden looks at me.

"What's aynst?"

I giggle.

"Angst is, like, sadness and pain and stuff," I explain.

"Oh. But Stella isn't the queen of sadness and pain and stuff."

Stella laughs. "Thanks."

I follow Emmett to the living room. I step in front of him, forcing him to stop.

"Emmett, what's going on?" I ask. I'm starting to reconsider the decision I made last night.

He shrugs. "I don't know."

I frown. He isn't getting away with such a vague, stupid answer.

"You weren't acting like this until you started hanging out with Raven and those guys all night every night," I point out.

Though it's hard to not yell at him, I manage to keep my voice calm.

He sighs.

"I don't know, Aurora. I've been feeling weird since that night they gave me the wine and stuff," he tells me.

I frown. Just then, he clutches his chest. Hissing in pain, he crouches onto the ground.

"Emmett?" I duck down next to him. "Emmett, what's wrong?"

He groans. "I'm not sure."

I rub his back, watching his face twist.

"Do you need an ambulance? Or I could just drive you myself."

Thanks to my dad, I finally have my own car. Emmett obviously can't drive, so I'm eyeing the place I keep my keys when he sits up.

"Get away from me," he growls.


He looks at me. His pupils are smaller than normal and his teeth are clenched.

"I'm fine. Get the girls out of here before someone gets hurt."

I frown. He isn't making any sense.

"Emmett, what?"

"Now, Aurora!"

He never yells. I flinch away, then go into the kitchen. Emmett watches me, then hisses and runs upstairs.

"Anyone up for the boardwalk?" I ask.

Luckily, they are. Stella and Hayden want to check out this little clothing shop, and I need to get them out of here.

We leave shortly after. There's some crashing around in Emmett's room that none of us mention.

The drive is short, and then we're getting out.

"Where's this clothing store?" I question.

Stella and Hayden share a look.

"We aren't really sure. But the boardwalk only has so many shops," Stella shrugs. She moves the light brown hair from her shoulders and combs it into a ponytail with her fingers. It is pretty humid.

"True. Okay, let's go."

As we're walking, a shiny black vehicle catches my eye. Where there would have been intimidation or excitement before, a wave of anger flashes through me.

"Actually, guys, you go ahead. I'll meet you over by the roller coaster in an hour?"

"Okay. Why?" Stella asks.

I shrug.

"I have a few personal things to take care of."

"Oh. Alright."

The two of them walk off. I watch them get a safe distance away, then march straight towards David and his gang.

Welcome to the Jungle (David) (The Lost Boys)Where stories live. Discover now