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"Aurora, I can't go with you guys today."

I look at my dad, frowning a little. I was looking forward to spending some quality time with him for the first time in a while.

"Why not?"

I finish applying my light layer of lipstick before he answers.

"Hayden is sick. I've got to stay home with her," he tells me.

I frown, glancing at the outfit I picked for today. I'd be more than willing to put that off for as long as he needs.

"If you want, we could just wait and go when she's feeling better," I offer. Hayden won't want to miss the boardwalk, what with all the carnival rides and such.

He smiles and shakes his head.

"Thank you, honey, but no. You three go have fun, okay? I'll still be here when you get back."

I nod. "Okay."

He leaves and I finish up my makeup. It doesn't take very long, since I keep it down to a simple few products. The heat will ruin it otherwise. Maybe it'll melt the mascara, blush, and lipstick as well. Who knows?

Once that's done, I dress in my black shorts and yellow t shirt.

My dad insisted on buying me shorts, though I quite possibly hate wearing them. They show more of my skin than I would prefer. But I couldn't win. Not with us moving to California in the middle of summer.

Oh, how I can't wait for winter. I'll get to wear sweaters and leggings without anyone batting an eye. Not to mention the holidays and hot cocoa.

"Rory? You ready?" Emmett asks.

I grab my wallet and keys, shoving them into my back pocket. I slip on some grey Vans over my plain socks and shut my bedroom door behind me.

"Ready," I say.

As I go into the living room, Stella appraises my appearance.

"You're going with your hair like that?" She asks.

I run a hand down the back of my head. "Leave me alone. I couldn't get it perfect."

Stella, who hardly is willing to leave her room without her hair done and a full face of makeup on, shrugs. "Okay. Let's go."

We have to take my dad's car, since Emmett and I sold ours back in Texas and have yet to get new ones. We're supposed to be going within the next few days, but I'm not so sure now that Hayden is sick.

"I get to drive," Emmett states.

I shrug. "Fine."

He only wants to drive so he can play his obnoxious, ear-splitting music.

"How can you understand this garbage?" I ask as him and Stella start singing the words.

He laughs.

"They make music for an elite part of society. Sorry you can't understand."

I roll my eyes and sigh, tuning out the awful screaming on the radio as well drive. It isn't too far, so we only make it through a song and a half before he parks.

"Ready?" He asks.

Both of us nod excitedly. "Yep!"

We get out and walk towards the boardwalk; the most exciting part of our new city.

Welcome to the Jungle (David) (The Lost Boys)Where stories live. Discover now