Motorcycles are Not Fun

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"You want me to get on that?"

David just laughs. I stare at the motorcycle as if it has teeth.

"What's the matter, Rory? Haven't you ever been on one?"

I shake my head, still staring at the metal death trap.


He chuckles, and I look at him.

"I'm glad I amuse you," I say.

He stops laughing, but the corners of his mouth are still turned up.

"I'm sorry. I don't mean to laugh, but this thing is harmless."

I raise my eyebrows.

"David, I'm not stupid."

He sighs.

"I mean it's harmless when I'm driving it. Come on, I've been doing it for years. I know what I'm doing."

I consider my options. Eventually, I decide he's probably right. Again.

"Fine. But you have to promise not to kill us," I say.

He smirks. "I promise."

He sits down, and I climb on behind him.

"Hold on tight," he says as the beast roars to life.

"To what?" I ask stupidly.

He laughs again.

"Me. Obviously."

Hesitantly, I wrap my arms around him.

"Not so bad, huh?" He snickers.

Then we start moving forward. Everything around us blurs as he moves. I squeeze my eyes shut, hiding my face between his shoulders. My arms clutch tighter onto him, with me no longer concerned about it being awkward.

I can't get the image of tumbling off the back of his motorcycle out of my mind.

"Could you slow down?" I frown.

He laughs. I have no idea how he even heard me.

As if to antagonize me, he speeds up. I keep my eyes shut and squeeze his body tighter. The wind whips my hair around, and I do my best to keep it out my face and off his neck.

Eventually, we come to a stop. It only took about five minutes, but it felt like much longer.

I'm frozen in place for about two minutes after he shuts the motor off. Then, I peel my arms off of him. Slowly, I stand up. My legs are wobbly, and I almost fall.

"You okay?" He asks as he catches me.

I nod.

"Yeah, sorry. Those things just terrify me."

He frowns. Another thirty seconds or so passes, and I'm stable again.

"Sorry," I say again.

He shakes his head.

"It's okay, Aurora. I didn't mean to scare you."

I chuckle. "It's not your fault!"

He smiles.

"Thanks for the ride," I tell him.

He nods.

"Of course. And, by the way, the offer Raven made earlier still stands. Any time you want to come around, just give one of us a call."

"Okay," I say.

I stare at him for a moment, frozen in my place again. Then the front door opens.

"Aurora?" My dad calls.

"Coming!" I answer.

I look at David for another short moment.

"I guess I better go," I say.

He nods. "Alright. Have a good night, Aurora."

I smile a little.

"Thanks. You too."

He snickers. "Trust me, I will."

I nod and walk towards the house. The sound of his motorcycle starts, then fades off as I make my way into the house.

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