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I was wrong.

The following evening, as I'm shopping for a present for Hayden, I run right into David and his friends. Raven and another girl are with them, and so is a little boy.

"Hey, it's Aurora!" Raven points out. Wonderful.

I smile at her, keeping my focus only on her. Everyone else intimidates me. Even the little boy gives off an unsettling sensation that makes me want to look away.

She skips over to me.

"Hey! Your brother's really great, you know," she says.

I shrug. "He's alright, I guess."

I can feel other eyes on me, but I ignore them. Raven, apparently, has other plans.

"Well, you've already met the boys! Come here!"

She grabs my hand and pulls me through the boys, to the back of the group.

"Guys, this is Aurora! Aurora, this is Star." She gestures to a beautiful girl with long curly hair. "And this is Laddie."

The little boy, Laddie, smiles at me. Star looks at him, then beams.

"Hi, Aurora. You're Emmett's sister?"

I nod. "Yeah."

She examines me for a moment.

"Huh. I never would have guessed it," she says.

I chuckle.

"Yeah, I don't look like any of my siblings."

She shakes her head.

"That's okay, though. I think you're prettier than Emmett."

I laugh. "Thanks?"

"Hey, Aurora," one of the boys says.

I turn around, forcing myself to look at the group.


David smirks, though he isn't the one that said it.

Paul is.

"How's your brother holding out?" He asks.

"What?" I furrow my eyebrows.

David shoots him a look that he ignores.

"I asked how he was doing," Paul states.

That's odd.

"Um, fine?"

He chuckles.

"Okay. Thanks."

"Why?" I ask.

Star steps forward, glaring at Paul.

"Just leave her alone. She's probably busy," she tells him.

He laughs.


I look back to Star, mouthing my thanks. She smiles.

"I better get going. Hayden's birthday is five days away, and I still have to buy a present," I tell her.

Raven, oddly enough, hugs me.

"You're welcome to hang out with us any time you want! Emmett has my number."

I smile again. "Thanks."

I walk away then, knowing I'll never take her up on that offer. If it was just her and Star, then I'd probably at least consider it. But not with those five weirdos hanging around them. I'll pass.

I do end up finding a couple of cool things for Hayden. As I'm paying for the books and the dress, I notice someone watching me. I catch his eye and try to smile at him. He doesn't smile back.

Ignoring the guy, I walk out of the little shop and into the cool night. My dad bought wrapping paper with Hayden's favorite cartoon- Strawberry Shortcake- that I'll be able to use. Hayden asked to omit the party this year, since we're in a new town and she doesn't have friends. Dad's still having Eleanor and her family over, though.

"Hey!" A voice right behind me says.

I look over my shoulder. The guy from the shop is about two feet away.

"Um... Hi?"

He catches up to me. Now he's smiling.

"Hey. You're pretty, you know."

Oh. No, I don't like this.

"Thanks," I mutter.

I drop my gaze to the sidewalk, starting to walk away again. But he grabs my arm, effectively pulling me back against him.

I really don't like this.

Welcome to the Jungle (David) (The Lost Boys)Where stories live. Discover now