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"You were incredible!" David tells me as I stare down at the boy I just killed.

"What was that?" I ask.

Michael grins at me.

"You're officially one of us," he says.

I look away from the dead guy, Alex, and look at David.

"How did I do that?"

He laughs.

"Michael just told you. You're one of us."

I frown. "A vampire?"

David nods.

"But... But vampires aren't real," I say. And yet, my teeth sunk into Alex's throat like it was butter. Not only did I drain the blood from his body, but I enjoyed it. Craved it.

They all laugh.

"Sorry to break it to you, sweetheart, but they're real."

I nod, amazed. And horrified.

"So, um, how often do I have to... You know... Kill people?"

David wraps an arm around me and pulls me against him.

"At least once every few days."

I frown. "That's a lot of people."

He sighs.

"I know, but don't worry. We try to only go after the really bad people of the world."

"Oh. That's better, then," I say.

He nods. "And don't worry, you'll feel better about it soon enough."

We walk for another few seconds, then he looks at the rest of the group.

"Guys, can we have a moment?" He asks.

They take off further down the beach. I turn to David, smiling.

I know I should feel horrible about what I did, but I don't. I can't. Not when I know the life I took belonged to someone so horrible.

"So," I start, "do I get to live forever now? Never get old, all that kind of stuff?"

He smiles and nods.

"Yes. You won't age or die."

I beam. "That's pretty cool."

His blue eyes- back to normal, thankfully- light up.

"Um, speaking of the whole forever thing... I sort of need to tell you something."

I raise an eyebrow in question.

"What is it?"

He turns up half of his mouth, and looks away. When his eyes meet mine again, I can't read the emotion behind them.

"Um, well, this probably won't be a surprise. But..."

I frown.

"Just spit it out, David."

He nods. I stare at his eyes, trying to figure him out.

"I think I'm falling in love with you," he tells me.

It is, actually, a surprise.


He drops his gaze.

"Yeah, I sort of figured that would be your reaction. I understand, Rory."

I take his hands in mine.

"David, I didn't mean that in a bad way."

He gives me a small smile.


I stare at his face for about five seconds. Then, I can't hold back. I stand on my toes and, slowly, move in. My lips touch his, and then I pull away.

His eyes meet mine for one heartbeat. Then he pulls me in for a deeper, more passionate kiss. I smile against his lips. He pulls my body against his.

When he pulls away, I'm a little dizzy. I giggle as the world shifts back into place.


"Yeah?" He looks at me.

I kiss his cheek.

"I think I'm falling in love with you, too."

Hi guys! I hope you enjoyed this story! I definitely enjoyed writing it. I stayed up all night to do it lol.

Love you guys, and thank you so much for reading! X

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