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All of us are on a beach. The same beach David took me to the other day, in fact. The only ones missing are Emmett, Raven, Star, and Laddie.

"Alright, Aurora, come here," David says.

I move so that I'm standing next to him. I see a small group of people.

"I recognize him," I whisper, gesturing to the one on the far right. He's the boy that wouldn't stop following me that day.

David nods. "Yep."

All of us are quiet for a moment as we watch the group. There's about twelve of them. They're all laughing, joking around, just being loud. And annoying.

"Now, I wanted to do this that day he wouldn't leave you alone. But I figured if you got to help, it would be much more satisfying," David tells me. "I've been watching this entire group of people. Trust me, Aurora, none of them are good."

Why would it matter if they're good people or not? Why did my group of new friends bring me here, exactly? I don't think David has a weapon on him. Wouldn't I have felt it in his pockets on the way over? So what are we doing?

I furrow my eyebrows. "Help with what?" I ask, still watching the group.

David chuckles. "Initiation time, sweetheart."

I look up at him, about to ask what the hell he means. All my resolve flies out the window, however, when I see him.

His eyes are gold, rather than light blue. He has fangs showing now. Generally, he looks the same. But he's so different. So... terrifying.

I look around at the others. Every last one of them matches. Golden eyes, fangs, menacing expressions.

I turn to say something to David, but he's gone. He's lunging at the group. Then, so are the others.

I don't piece anything together until David bites the first one. Oh, god.

I thought vampires were mythical creatures. Unreal, made up to scare children into behaving.

Still, this is definitely happening. I'm most definitely watching five teenage boys attack this group of people, biting into them and taking their blood. What else could they be?

"Aurora, come on!" David exclaims.

I hesitate. They want me to join them? But I don't have fangs. I'm not a vampire.

"Come on, sweetheart!" He calls again.

I only stop for a second, then decide to just go stand with them.

The boy from the boardwalk, who I still don't know the name of, stares at me.

I walk over, staring at the guy who followed me that day. The guy who refused to leave me alone. As I see him, staring at me with wide eyes, my throat burns. I release a hiss; I can't help it.

"No, no!" He says.

I crouch over him, somehow enjoying his misery.

"What's your name?" I question.

He looks at me. His eyes are brown. And wide. Very wide.

"Alex," he says.

I chuckle.

"Well, Alex, what's the matter?"

I'm not myself. I'm something different entirely. Something powerful, vengeful, and callous. And I love it.

"I- I don't want you to kill me," he states.

"You don't?"

He shakes his head.


I smile, hissing again.

"Well, too bad we don't know what no means. I mean, it didn't matter when I said it. Remember?"

He opens his mouth to say something, but I lunge at him before he can even get the first word out.

Welcome to the Jungle (David) (The Lost Boys)Where stories live. Discover now