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"Tell me everything," Stella says as I walk inside.

My entire family is in the living room.

"Um." I blink a couple of times.

Stella follows me to my bedroom and sprawls out on the bed.

"Come on, Rory! Tell me what happened!" She presses.

I sigh and take my shoes off.

"Fine. I left the shop where I bought Hayden's gifts, and ran into David." I leave out the details of the creepy boy; they're not needed. "And he insisted on taking me home since it's dark out. I had to get on his motorcycle."

She giggles. "You got to ride it?"

I nod, cringing.

"Yeah. It was awful."

She laughs.

"Then what?"

I shrug, hiding the bag of presents in my closet.

"Nothing. He dropped me off at home."

She sighs.

"Well, that's boring."

Knowing Stella, she was hoping for something more "juicy". She was probably imagining a first kiss or something.

I snicker, sitting next to her on the bed.

"What exactly were you expecting?" I ask.

She thinks about it, then sits up.

"I just want you guys to date! It would be so cute!"

I roll my eyes, playfully of course.

"I don't even know him, remember? I don't know his favorite color! Let alone if I would date him or not!"

She groans in frustration.

"Well, I wish you would hurry and get to know him. Emmett and I are both betting on it."

I sigh and stand up, grabbing a comfortable set of clothes.

"Alright. I'm going to take a shower."

The shower doesn't make me feel that much better. Why would David help me, even though we don't know each other? For his friend's sake? For my brother's?

Because he's a nice guy, idiot.

I tell my thoughts to shut up. Because maybe I can pretend there's something there. An entirely different motive.

Maybe, just maybe, he wants to get to know me better.

But even if that's true, which it probably is not, do I want the same thing? I mean, he's quite attractive. Then again, so is Paul. Who, for some mysterious reason, follows David around and almost always follows his instructions without complaint. Along with a whole group of other boys. And apparently two girls and a little kid.

Still, he must be trustworthy. I haven't heard anyone say anything bad about him. Plus, someone allows their kid to run around with him. Laddie can't be older than, what, nine?

Despite the motorcycle and his intimidating demeanor, he must be a good guy. Right?

I get out and dry off. As I'm brushing my teeth, I weigh out my options. Make Stella and Emmett and Raven happy, and hang around them more- therefore getting to know the leader of the group better. Or stick to myself and my old ways, where I had maybe one friend and never went out. Ignore David and bond with myself all the time.

Curling up in bed, I make my decision. I am going to hang around David and his friends more.

Welcome to the Jungle (David) (The Lost Boys)Where stories live. Discover now