Green Whale

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I watch as Emmett tosses the thick ring at its target. It hits the metal rod, sending a dull vibrating sound through the air as it bounces off.

"It's because it's so dark out here," Emmett sighs in frustration.

I chuckle. "You can't use that excuse when there are a bunch of lights on."

All around the booth and the metal poles the rings are supposed to land on, there are bright white lights.

He makes a face at me before turning back to his game.

"You can do it, Em! Come on!" Stella cheers.

I smile.

Emmett only started this game to try and win a little plush animal for Hayden. She collects them and, since she's sick, he thought it might help her feel better. So far, he isn't having any luck. But he's never been the type to give up.

The next ring he throws makes it, landing almost perfectly on the metal stick.

"Yes!" He exclaims. Stella and I cheer for him in celebration.

"Which one would you like?" The girl working the game asks. Her pink lips stretch into a grin, and two deep dimples pop up onto her face.

He looks at Stella. She knows Hayden best, so she's most likely to have the answer.

"Which one do you think she'd want?" He asks.

She examines the options, then gestures to a fuzzy green whale. "That one."

The girl working pulls it down and hands it to Stella. We thank her, and start to turn away. Emmett stays, pulling another five dollar bill from his wallet.

"Emmett?" Stella frowns.

"You two go do something fun. I want to win another one," Emmett says.

"Why?" Stella asks.

Emmett smiles. "For her birthday."

That's right. It's the middle of July, and Hayden's birthday is in a week.

Stella nods, then looks at me.

"I better go get her something. Hold this, Rory." She shoves the whale into my hands and starts to jog off. She glances over her shoulder at us. "Meet me right here in half an hour!"

I look at Emmett, who's grabbing his rings from the lady. Setting the plush on the counter, I watch him for a moment. He's pretty occupied, though, so I decide to go do something else.

"I'll see you in thirty minutes, okay?" I say.

He nods, concentrating too much to answer verbally.

I turn around and start to walk, unsure of a destination.

"Um, Aurora?" A girl's voice I don't recognize stops me. I turn around. Raven is standing there, the green whale in one hand.

"Yeah?" She took me by surprise.

"You left your whale." She's smiling at me as she walks towards me.

I beam back at her as she passes it to me.

"Thanks. It's-"

"Who is this, Raven?" A guy's voice interrupts me. The mysterious group of teenage boys I saw in the video store earlier is walking up.

I make eye contact with the one in front again, then quickly look away. Something about his expression makes me uncomfortable and intimidated. But they continue on approaching us, despite the tension I can already feel.

This should be good.

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