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Tzuyu POV ~

Being an Idol is very tiring. I don't even have much time to rest or EAT!? But it's my dream to be an idol and I can't complain.

Right now, I was heading to our dressing room because today we an award ceremony so I'm not going to be late.

I was in a hurry situation that I didn't even focusing where I was going, until I bumped into someone.


I fall down on the floor and it hurts so bad .... Aishhh why so clumsy Chewy. The person I bumped to help me to get up,

"Thanks, I'm sorry for that incident" I apologise to him while bow.

"No no no!! It's fine... may I know your name?"

Should I told him? Whatever, there's no way fans can get in here.

"Uhmm! Tzuyu, TWICE Tzuyu imnida, how about.. you?" For some reason, he looks relieved when I introduce my name

"Ohh! I'm Jungkook from BTS, nice to meet you!" He greet with a happy tone.

What... the... heck!?

To be honest, I had like Jungkook Sunbaenim for a long time.

I was about to reply me when suddenly Jihyo unnie scream my name loudly that makes both of us close our ears.


'Aishh, this unnie is making me embarrassed, Nahh, I'm gonna kill her later' I thought.

"I think I need to go now, sorry about my unnie and nice to meet you too, See ya!!" I ran quickly to our dress room and luckily I'm on time.

"Yahh! Where did you go Yoda, didn't I tell you to be quick?" Nayeon unnie said while crossing her hand like a boss.

"I'm sorry, I accidently bumped someone on the way here" Then they started to ask a bunch of questions about who I bumped to.

How do I tell them they're going to tease me because the person I bumped to is the one I like for a long time!!

"I bumped Jungkook Sunbae, now I'm going to wear my dress" I walked away from them and I can hear them teasing me now!! I just shrugged it off and change...

We're now sitting at our sits

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We're now sitting at our sits. Me and Jungkook sunbae make an eye contact with each other but got interrupt by my members.

he smiled at me before turning back to the stage and you can say that I was red as tomato right now.

My members keep on teasing me until the end of the award show, I swear I'm gonna kill them when we went home.

For some reason I keep worrying about me and Jungkook having an eye contact, I'm scared that it will turn out to be a rumor.

I should think positive for now...

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