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Tzuyu POV

I went to eat breakfast at the café. I keep on feeling something wrong between unnie, oppa's and Jungkook. Are they planning something? No way, unnie has a lot of lyrics haven't finished yet, there's no way they have time to relax........ maybe?

Urghhh whatever. I ordered pancakes and a cup of coffee. While I was eating, someone approached me, a girl. "Tzuyu, is that you?" she said. She's wearing a mask, tall, and with a long hair. She looks like my bff Elkie.

When I looked at her closer, she took off her mask...... "ELKIE!" I shout but not too loud and quickly hug her, she hug back. I told her to sit in front of me and order food from the waitress.

"Tzu, what are you doing here alone?" she said.

"Oh, I actually planning to buy something, I didn't want them to come since they're busy" I said.


Something is really off here, her tone doesn't sound happy and she's pretending to be fine.

"So how's your relationship with your crush?" I asked it on purpose, if she sad about my question than it means there's something wrong between them.

"Uh-hh we're good.." she said with fake smile. I knew it!

"You can't lie to me Tzuyu aah, we're been Bestie for 5 years and I knew you so well. Come on tell me, what's wrong" I asked while rubbing her hand.

She looked down to take a deep breath and said, "Yesterday, after practice, I was actually planning to eat dinner with kook. I was so excited that I quickly packed all my things, when I'm done, I didn't see oppa. I keep finding him until I gave up. I went to hoseok oppa to ask him if he see kook, he said that he went home first because he's tired, and his expression is sad and disappointed for some reason. I'm kinda disappointed because he doesn't said anything to me after our conversation about get to know each other... " wait....did she tell him about his crush!?

" you tell him about your crush don't you? " I asked

" Yes, since he asked me. What's wrong? "

" OMG, why so slow tzu! It's really obvious that he jealous" I kinda shout a little loud at her that made her flinch.

"but jealous for what? it's not like he likes a girl like me, plus he have a crush on someone" she said, looking annoyed by the 'he have a crush on someone'.

huhhhh, I'm so done with her. "You'll know it soon" I said, making her curious. "know what?" she said but I just ignore her.

"Come on, you said you want to buy something plus we've done eating" I said and pull her out of the café.

We walked to a store that sell lots of cute stuff, fashion style and more. I looked at Tzuyu, she finding a cap. 'Didn't she owned lots of them!?' but when I looked closer to cap she's holding, it's suit men.

"Yahh Tzuyu, didn't you have lots of them and plus those are men style" I said, with confuse look.

"It's for someone 'Special'" she said and wink to me, giving a hint. I KNEW IT!

"So you're not shy anymore with him, huh?" I tease her, her faced blushed red.

"We're so close now, El. There's nothing to be shy about" this is why I love her so much, she always thing positive and so mature. She will be shy at first when you met her, but when she feels comfortable around you, all her shyness are dissappear.

"So, you're buying him some gift to cheer him up, huhh? Proud of you girl" I said and patting her head like a kid. "Yahh! I'm not a kid!" she said.

After all the conversation, Tzu bought 1 black cap and 1 bucket hat at the store. She said she want to buy the main present to him, a hoodie. We went to the mall by the way because we decided to spend time together since we're not really busy.

After we bought the hoodie, Tzuyu took all the presents she bought and gave it to driver to keep it in the car. We kinda walked for half an hour already so we decided to eat our lunch.

Tzuyu POV

We actually order too much since we're too hungry. We talked about our schedule, idol life and more, until then suddenly Jihyo unnie called me.

TZ : Annyeong unnie
JH : Annyeong Tzu! Where were you?
TZ : At the mall with Elkie unnie, Wae?
JH : Nothing, we're just worried since you went for like 2 hours already. Enjoy, don't came home late
TZ : Nae, take care unnie!

I end the call and we continued to eat. We take a little break at the restaurant by playing with our phones.

"OMG TZU!" Elkie unnie shout while looking at her phone with sparkling eyes.

"The plushie store sell a new cute koala plushie!!" she show me a cute little koala plushie. She's so obsessed with plushies🤦🏻‍♀️

She quickly got up and went to the cashier to pay. Then hurriedly went to the plushie store and left me behind. What a good bestfriend.

I went to the store and I have to admit that all the stuff there is super cute. I saw elkie unnie finding plushie, cute. Should I get one for Nayeon unnie and Mina unnie since they really love plushie? I think I should.

I bought bunny plushie for Nayeon unnie and a cute penguin plushie. after I've done paying it, Elkie is still not done!? Seriously.

"Hey, what took you so long?" I asked. Her eyes are glued at the plushie, "It's just too cute that I didn't know which one to choose!" really unnie?

"So, aren't you gonna bought some for your crush?" unnie said, still choosing the plushie.

"Nah, maybe next time. How about you?" she have a crush actually but never want to tell me🙄

"Of course, I'm gonna buy him two of these!" she said. "So tell me, about your happy moments with him while I'm choosing these cuties" she said again.

"The moment where he took me out and went to the amusement park, I think I told ya before" I said and she smile.

"You know, you're so lucky to have a chance to talk to your crush...." she said while squeeze the plushie.

"Hey, maybe you're gonna someone lucky" I said while patting her back.

"I wish his here, I wanna spend time with him, get to know each other and more, maybe not just him here, your crush too" she said, hugging the plushie.

"Stop dreaming unnie, it's impossible they'll be here" I rolled my eyes as annoyed, I'm so done with her.

"How could it'll be impossible when they're here" elkie unnie said and pointed at the door.

I didn't expected that he'll be here...

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