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Tzuyu POV

"UwAaaAaa ~~" I yawned. I looked around and finally realised I was in my room. I remember last night I was with oppa? Better ask unnie later..Wait today we have practice... arghhhhh!!

Practice start at 5 evening today, lucky we don't need to go in the morning. I woke up and took a shower, And then went downstairs to eat. I saw unnie sitting at the living room while nobody is touching the food, I guess they wait for me, this is why I love them so much.

"Ohh Tzu, good morning! Girls let's eat breakfast" Mina unnie said and we went to the table and eat. while they were busy eating and laughing, I was still thinking how do I end up in my room last night...

"Tzu...TZUYU!!" I quickly snap out after I heard unnie scream, "Uhmm yeahh what?" "Are you okay Tzu you're spacing out" Chaeyoung unnie said and looked at me worry. "I'm okay, uhmm unnie can I ask you something"

Sana : What is it?
Me : I was still confused how do I end up in my room last night...
Jihyo : Ohhh, yesterday Jungkook carried you bridal style and place you at your room, he said he didn't want to wake you up since you're tired.

Wait, oppa did that!? You can say that I'm red as tomato... "Eyyyyy looks like someone is blushing~~" Momo unnie said with a tease tone. "Shut up!!" I said and continued eating. All my unnies laughed at me. "Btw today we have practice, don't forget that Yoda" Mina unnie said remind me, "I'm not dump unnie, you should remind Momo unnie because she would probably forget, eating too much jokbal..." I said and looked at Momo unnie. She glared at me.

After We've done eating, Jeongyoen and Dahyun unnie is going to wash the dishes since today is their turn. I quickly went up to my room to prepare my practice outfit, I know it's still early but I always prepare it earlier so that I didn't take much time choosing outfit.

But then I finally remembered that oppa help me yesterday, I need to send him a thanks message.


Annyeong Oppa!! Thanks for helping me yesterday, I really appreciate it♡

Annyeong Tzuyu ssi!! Nahh its fine,you looks super tired yesterday,thats why I didn't wake u up

Btw thanks for taking me out yesterday, it really made my day! ♡

Anytime Tzu❥

Okay, i need to do something, see ya later at the practice room😊🍪

Okay, See ya!!🐶

Don't be late, if not unnie is going to kill you all😂

Wowww.... Okay okay we won't!!


I searched some of my outfit and found one and it's my favourite style

I searched some of my outfit and found one and it's my favourite style

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