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Tzuyu POV

i was laughing hard that i can't breathe, well jin oppa is making his dad jokes again. yoongi oppa were so done with him.

i then suddenly feel something missing, i look beside, supposed to be Jungkook oppa but i found the seats beside me is empty. did he leave already?

my smile started to fade away. i guess jimin oppa saw i was quite, "tzuyu ahh, what's wrong?" he asked, i smiled as nothing wrong.

"btw jungkook left earlier because something argent" jimin oppa said and continued eating. i smiled, but deep inside i was disappointed a bit...

why didn't he say something before he left?

i continue to eat even though i don't have any appetite. i saw pdnim smiling, bts oppa started to smirk and my unnie is smiling and some are squealing. weird.

*time skip*

we bid goodbye to pdnim, well bts oppa said they want to come to our dorm for a while, i don't mind actually, they are like my brother and we're family.

when we got there, unnie told me to open the door first, they lend me the key. i went to open it while they are behind me waiting.

the door was open, i opened the lights and saw a flower at floor. it was heading to the stairs and idk where it takes. i heard the door were closed and i flinched a bit.

wait, unnie and oppa lock me alone in here!? is this a prank or what? i then saw a note, i unfold it and read it...

"follow the flower for surprise"


J who? idk, i just followed where the flower take me. it end at the rooftop door. it said opened the door to see your gift.

i opened the door and found the rooftop were decorated and customised it beautifully. i walked in and didn't expect to saw someone....

"j-jungkook oppa?" i said while shuttered, he smiled and went near me. he take both of my hands and...

"tzuyu ahh, I've know you for 4 years since your debut day. you're the first girl that caught my attention, the way you smile, laugh, always made my day. i always want to talk to you, but i never got the chance till, the day you bumped me at the hallway. when you introduce your name, i was happy that i can't even say it in words. remember the day that pdnim called us to talk about dating rumours, i was scared that you gonna hate me, but you were fine with it. when pdnim said that we were partner up together, i was happy that i can't sleep that night. after 3 week we've been practicing, we grew a strong friendship, i was happy to know that you're happy to have me as your bff. remember when i asked you to spend time with me? i actually want to get know you more. im happy that you enjoy it, we took pictures together, chasing around like a kid, laughing loudly at the street, it was a sweet memories actually. you're the one i stay up all night thinking about, coming up cute things i wish could happen, and that's when i realise my love for you grew bigger.. "

"Chou tzuyu, I've liking you since your debut day and until now. i love you tzuyu, i really do. im sorry for avoiding you and hurting you. chou tzuyu, will you be my girlfriend?" he confess. i wasn't expecting all those words coming out of his mouth. i can see hope in his eyes.

without knowing, my tears started running down my cheek" yes.. " i said, i quickly went to hug him. i heard a clapping sound and i was surprised to see my unnie and oppa, i mean jyp pdnim and bang pdnim were here too clapping and smiled.

jungkook oppa pulled the hug, he wiped my tears and he took something out of his pocket, it was a necklace that said..

"c.ty X j.jk"

he put them on me and hug him as a thanks. i looked at unnie, they were smiling while bts oppa is faking cry. we laughed at them.

today is the day where Jungkook is mine. i hope we'll love each other till the end of our life.

Jungkook POV

today is the day where, Chou Tzuyu is mine. i promised that I'll not hurt you and i will always there for you till the end of my life.

♡𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐝♡

[well, you think this is the end? not yet my dear~]

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