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Jungkook POV

"Do you mind explain to us what just happen between you two especially at the awards show.." Bang pdnim ask us, we're scared to answer the questions since both of us had no idea why we did that at the award show....Pdnim raise one brow, waiting for us to answer the question.

I looked at Tzuyu, she's taking a deep breath an answer pdnim," Before the award show start, I was supposed to be at our dress room to get dress but I've arrived late, so I was in a hurry situation that I didn't see where I was going until I bumped Jungkook Sunbae, he help me to stand up and we just asking each other name since we're wearing a mask, that's it. If you're asking about the incident at the awards show, we actually had no idea why we did that and there's nothing between us except friends" What she just explained just now is what I was about to say but thanks to her, she helped me escape from the questions.

"I guess it's done then, I trust what you said Tzuyu since you doesn't know how to lie, If both of you is really dating, just be honest to us since both of your dating ban has lift. You may now dismiss.." pdnim let us go, we blushed at his last statement, I sigh relieved, we both left the office.

" Sorry about the rumours thingy... " Tzuyu apologies to me while looking down," It's fine, none of us are wrong, it's just the fans who too overreacting " I said while smiled at her, and she smiled back, "Thanks, btw can we... you knoww.. be friends?" She asked shyly, 'Cute' Wait!? What am I thinking!? I just shrugged off my thoughts, "Sure, may I had your number since we're already friends?" My palms sweat so much, because it's my first time asking a girl number and I'm shy towards girl...."Of course!!" She said happily and we exchanged our phone. I save Kookie🍪, my nickname and we exchanged back our phone.

'Chewy🐶, what a cute name' We're keep talking that we didn't realised our members sitting in front of us waiting, "Done talking, lovebird?" Suga hyung said with his savage attitude, aishhh I really hate this hyung, but we're just blushed at his statement.

"Can we just go eat lunch now unnie?" Tzuyu said, wanting to escape the topic. "Not we, everyone. Bts oppa is going to join us since they're going there too!" Momo noona said happily, but wait- did she just call us OPPA!?

"Oppa!? Did you just called our sunbae oppa?" I guess she's confused, "Tzuyu-ssi, just called us oppa, unless you just want to called Jungkook 'Oppa'...." Jimin hyung tease her, "Anii~~, I didn't mean that, let just go to the restaurant shall we?" Her face is red as tomato, she dragged Dahyun and walked away from us, we just giggled.

*Tteobboki Restaurant*

Tzuyu POV
Aishhhh, If I've known Jimin oppa for a long time, he will totally get kill by me right now right here because of teasing me, 'Keep your savage attitude Tzuyu...' I said to myself.

We're now sitting at VIP seat so that fans didn't notice us, everyone had already order their and now waiting for the food to arrived. While waiting, I noticed all my unnie getting along with Bts oppa even Mina unnie. While me and Jungkook sun- I mean oppa is just seating at our sits and looking down since we're still shy.

(This is their sits arrangement if you wondering)

(Back to the story)

Everyone is talking while us is struggling with the awkwardness. "Looks like the couple is quiet today...." Nayeon unnie said while wriggling her eyebrows, 'This is why don't sit beside Nayeon unnie, such a tease' I thought, everyone attention are now at me and Jungkook, great....just great....

"Tease me again and I will tell Jin oppa your secret" I shot back at her, she widened her eyes and started to beg me not to, "Yahh Tzuyu!! Don't tell please~~" Everyone burst out laughing at us, Jin oppa looks confused since I mention his name just now.

"Don't worry oppa, you will know soon" I smile at him, more like a tease. Nayeon unnie smacked me hard, everyone laughed at us until our food arrived.

We're now enjoying our food, everything went well, not really awkward. Me and Jungkook oppa are now not really shy to talked with each other. I was happy to see all my unnie getting along with Bts.

Seeing members smiling and laughing already made my day,glad that there's someone can make them released their stress since we always had a busy schedule.

We bid goodbye to bts oppa after we have done eating lunch, we went back to the dorm and went to their room. My room is with the Maknae line.

I'm so tired, tomorrow we got no schedule but....Me, mina and momo unnie need to practice for our special collab stage, I'm going to take a rest.....

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