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Tzuyu POV

i woke up early today, 5 in the morning. yep, I'll always be the first to wake up. since it's still dark outside and cold, i decided to play with my phone.

1 messages from Kookie🍪

i quickly open it and found it was yesterday night...


Goodnight my little tzutzu💜

did he just put emoji love!? remember tzu, you're just a friend to him, he just love you as a friend, stop hopping

maybe my thoughts is right. 3 more days practice and we're gonna perform already. I'm actually a little worried if i did any mistake on stage.

omo! i forgot we have practice at 8,I'm gonna get ready, woke up mina and momo unnie and then cook breakfast.

it tooks 30 minutes for us to get ready and eat breakfast. the van arrived early than we thought. on the way there, im still can't get over about his sudden sweet text..

it's like he never does that to me but its just weird for me, it's like his very happy about something.... "tzu! we've arrived!" momo unnie shouted that makes me flinched a little.

"hey, you scared me! i might got a heart attack ya know" i said while touching my chest. "we've calling you for 10 times already" mina unnie said, her expression turned worried.

i just fake smile as a sign of 'im fine', but they knew i was lying. i just walked in the building and left them behind. i know they are really worried about me.

Mina POV

"is she okay? im so worried ~" Momo unnie said. tzuyu has been space out these past days. i think it's because jungkook didn't text her for 4 days already, it's so obvious she likes him but she keep thinking Jungkook love her as a friend.

we've arrived at our practice room and the lights are open btw. 'i guess bts oppa arrives earlier than us'. but when we open the door, only found jimin oppa there playing with his phones.

"Good morning girls!" he greet us when he heard the door open. "Good morning oppa" we said and started to stretch our body. "Jimin ssi, did you came alone? Where's the two?" momo unnie asked

"oh, they haven't eat breakfast yet, so they went to eat it at the café and might took 20 minutes" jimin oppa said.

we just nodded. i suddenly remembered about those confession Jungkook plan, so i went over Jimin oppa to talked about it.

MN : annyeong oppa
JM : oh, annyeong mina ssi! need help?
MN : No, i want to talk about tzuyu and jungkook
JM : something wrong?
MN : idk, tzuyu had been spacing out these past few days and we're really worried. i keep on thinking maybe jungkook didn't text nor talked to her
JM : but this morning, i saw jungkook send her a message, it was last night. he wrote 'Goodnight my little tzutzu' with purple hearts.
MN : Jinja!? but she should be happy that she got a sweet message from him. she looked sad tho..
JM : wait, did she really think that jungkook like someone else after he said to her that he had a crush on someone?
MN : uhmm yes, she keep telling herself that jungkook wilk always love her as a friend, nothing more.
JM : i feel bad though, okay i got a plan, when are we finished our practice?
MN : 2pm
JM : hmmm, i was planning to take you out after practice, you know we never had time to spend time with each other
MN : *blushed* Sure, i would love to. okay now what's the plan?
JM : Okay, since we're going out, i want you to take tzuyu ssi with you, just give some excuses if she didn't want to come. while me, i will take Jungkook with me.
MN : So it means, they didn't know they will met each other and we're gonna give some excuses to go somewhere and told them to wait at the same place
JM : Yep! that's all! i hope it works..
MN : me too, but do you think the confession plans will work?
JM : hmm... since i don't want tzuyu to wait too long, I'll make the confession day earlier than we plan. tell your unnie about it, I'll talk this with my members
MN : Okay!

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