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Jungkook POV

I arrived home and quickly went to take a shower. After I've done everything, I went to the kitchen to cook something for my hyungs. I guess the others haven't come back home yet. they actually went somewhere but never told us.

After I've done cooking, I sat down at the kitchen table and eat while scrolling my social media. I heard someone coming down the stairs and it's Taehyung hyung. I thought I'm alone here

Author POV

"Hey kook" Taehyung said and went to the refrigerator to take some water. "Heyy hyung" Jungkook said. He suddenly remembered about Tzuyu likes someone but he decided its not the right time to tell his hyung.

He put on a fake smile and said "Why didn't you went out with them?" He said. Taehyung turn around and went to sit in front of him with serious face...

"I want to talk to you about your relationship with Tzuyu"

Jungkook POV

I guess now is the right time to tell him. "What makes you said that?"

TY : I'm gonna asked you, maknae. Do you like Tzuyu?
I got silent for a while. Thinking about the thing about Tzuyu makes me gave up
JK : No..
TY : You sure? Then why are you look sad after practice?Aren't you always happy after practice?
JK : Huhh?
TY : I'm not dumb Jungkook. I told Hoseok and Jimin hyung to look over you, they said you two always talking and laughing. You doesn't look sad at all. But today you're different, you look sad and disappointed. Tzuyu tell you about her crush, right?
I was shocked that he knew about it, but when we're talking, I didn't see hyung tho it was just us two.
JK : N-Nae...
TY : Then, that's already answer my question. You jealous because she has a crush on someone, because you like her, right?
JK : *sighed* Yes Hyung
TY : Don't you dare tell me that you're giving up
JK : Yes I am hyung. She like someone else, I should respect her decision.
TY : Oh Really? She likes someone else? not you? didn't she desc her crush at you? and she's describing you.
JK : Yes, she does desc her crush and there might be someone who's just like me....
TY : From what I know, Sana said that her crush name start from J and end with K
I was silent for a while
TY : Who would you think a most successful boy group had a name start with J and end with K? Still don't trust me?
JK : You're kidding right?
TY : No, I'm not kook. Hear me, Tzuyu doesn't have any guy friend except from her company but she will not be close to them. If she's close with a guy, it's means she likes him and that guy it's you. She used to be shy around boys but you make her feel different. Think about it, maknae

while we're having the conversation, all my hyungs were home. "Hey Tae and Jungkook, what are you two doing?" Namjoon hyung said. but before Taehyung hyung went to him, "Think about what I said just now kook, if you decided to giving up, don't ever said you're regret" he whispered and walk away.

I was still silent like just now, it's just that I can't say anything.

Tzuyu POV

*The next morning*
"Uwaaa~~, what time is now~" I rub my eyes and look at the clock, "Ohh, 7am. Gonna do some stretching" I got up and cleaned up my room. I took my towel and went to take a shower.

Ohh ya! I forgot that today Im gonna buy something to oppa to cheer him up. I'm gonna get ready! hmmmm,what should I wear? I hope the public won't notice me if I wore this

 I'm gonna get ready! hmmmm,what should I wear? I hope the public won't notice me if I wore this

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Since I wear high sneaker, they won't feel like it's me

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Since I wear high sneaker, they won't feel like it's me. I went out of my room with my sling handbag and mask of course. I went downstairs and was shocked to see not just my unnie in the living room, BTS oppa were hear too!?

They noticed me and quickly stood up to bow and I bow back. I went to take a sit.
"Annyeong oppa! What brings you guys here?" I asked. All of them were silent like they were thinking about an answer. "Nothing, We're just-came he-re uhh-hmm, to vist you girls since we didn't heard any news from you girls" Tae oppa said while shuttering.

Something seems suspicious here. BTS oppa looks like they're struggling with my question earlier. Unnies were fidgeting their fingers and for my surprise Jungkook was not here. But oppa and unnie are the most suspicious to me, its like they knew something that I don't.

"You guys are so weird..." When I said it, all of them getting nervous for nothing? Urghhh I don't get it. This is getting awkward, maybe I should leave now. Oh ya! Breakfast! Nevermind, I started to feel uncomfortable with tgis atmosphere, I'm eating out.

" Huhh...Unnie oppa, I'm going out for a while to buy something. I'll eat out. See ya!" I said and leave them with fake smile. Something is so wrong with them today...

Taehyung POV

We all sighed relieved.

"Wahhh, we almost got caught!" JHope hyung said and he lay down.

"We already got caught tho, to be honest" Jeongyoen noona said. We're shocked. but Tzuyu doesn't asked any questions about what we're hiding so no.

"You're kidding right?" Jin hyung said, hoping that it's not true...

"if Tae oppa didn't shuttered just now, we're saved" Sana said.

"Am I too obvious?" I asked. They looked at me with the 'What do you think?' face. "Yes Tae, but let's just hope that she forgot about it" Namjoon hyung said and everyone look relieved.

"So Taehyung, did the plan goes well yesterday" Jihyo noona asked me. "It goes pretty well but...." they looked at me with lots of hope..

I told them everything. "How come he didn't realise it was him the whole time" Yoongi hyung said.

"Sana ssi, are you sure Jungkook is his crush?" I asked for confirmation. "Yepp! I'm 100% sure, don't worry oppa, we know her well" She responded and smile.

If you are still confused what we are saying, it was actually a plan that made we all made to get Tzuyu and Jungkook together. We also discussed this with our pdnim too because if something happened, we're not getting scolded.

We told pdnim and they agreed, we're surprised that they really agreed with our plan. So we already start our plan 1 yesterday, the day I asked Jungkook relationship with Tzuyu and he admitted that she is his crush. So plan 1,check.

Why we always went out when they have practice? We meet Twice members to discussed about the plan. We always went to the Café to plan. Jungkook and Tzuyu had no idea about this so we're being careful about it.

So today we decided to discussed at TWICE house, at first we disagree about this because Tzuyu will feel suspicious towards us but they said that it must to be at their house for safety, so we agree.

We're now planning for Plan 2. All of the plan we made has a name actually, JKTZ11. 1 is for BTS amd another 1 is for TWICE,we choose 1 since we're nation groups.

So The Plan 2 is pretty hard so wish us luck. Hope it will turn out to be GREAT.

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