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Jungkook POV

"Okay Mr. Jeon" She said before I close the car door. She really wanna play huhh? While I was driving, I feel like someone is staring at me and obviously there's none other than Tzuyu.

Since she tease me just now, gonna playback!

"I know I'm handsome but don't look at me like that" She quickly looked away while blushing. Cute. I just giggled and focused on the road. "btw where are we going oppa?" I don't know why when she call me 'Oppa' it makes me shy lol.

"Just wait and see Ms Chou" I said and smiled, "Whatever you said Mr. Jeon" She said and looked outside the window.

10 minutes later~

"We are here!!" I said happily. But there's no response so I look beside me and saw a sleeping angel, 'no wondered you won the 100 most beautiful faces ' I thought while look at her. Forget to mention that she looks beautiful today and what shocked me the most is we're matching.

I actually don't know how woke her up but luckily I'm now brave towards girls especially her.' How should I woke her up? should I screamed at her or woke her up nicely?' I decided to play a prank at her hehe...

Me : Tzuyu ahhh...
Me : Tzuyu....
Tzu : hmmm...
Me : *Take a deep breath* CHOU TZUYU!!!

She quickly got up and glared at me, while me laughing so hard. "YAHHH! You shocked me to death!!" She said and slapped my shoulder 3 times but not too hard. "Okay okay chill Yoda" I said and stop laughing.

We got out of the car and guess where are we? At the new amusement park and it's really beautiful. I looked at Tzuyu and she looks amazed and happy. Of course we didn't forget our mask because we don't want to caused an another rumours again.

She started walking around and that's make me worried if she's lost. "Tzuyu ahh, don't go anywhere to far if not your gonna lost" She stopped walking and turned around looked at me "I'm not a kid oppa" She said while pouting. Haishhhh you make me crazy Tzuyu...

"Okay okay, but let's walk together" I said and we went in and it seems like there's too many couples here..."Did we when to the wrong amusement park?" Tzuyu ask jokingly. "Maybe😂"

Author POV

They started to walk around the park like a cute couple and you can hear laughter from them. Jungkook change so much after he met Tzuyu, he didn't feel scared around girls anymore especially Tzuyu, his crush. While Tzuyu, she isn't a girl who could talked to boys since she's shy around them but after met Jungkook, she can feel confident to talk with boys and feel comfortable around him. They never realise that they change so much after they met each other 3 days ago.

They also took a lot of pictures of each other and also together, to be honest they're so cute. The people who pass by them, smile at them because they looks like a cute couple. They walking while talking and laughing, it was supposed to have a far space between them, but after a couple of minutes, they started to walk close to each other without realizing it.

They feel kinda hungry so they went to a restaurant near the park and order. After they've done eating, Tzuyu want to pay the bill but Jungkook insist to pay. They keep on arguing until Tzuyu gave up and let Jungkook pay it.

They decided to take a walk at the lake and found a sit there and sat next to each other..

Tzuyu POV

We're so happy because we could get to know each other more and I'm feeling that oppa always makes me feel different like something that makes my heart skip a beat. While I was enjoying the scenery, oppa asked me something..

JK : Tzuyu ahh, did you remember last time where our members went to eat dinner together after our meeting with pdnim?
Me : Nae, Wae?
JK : On that time, Nayeon noona tease us and than you said something about noona secret and you mention Jin hyung name. I was so curious tho..
Me : I will tell you Nayeon unnie secrets but don't tell her that I tell you about this
JK : Sure, I promised
Me : Nayeon unnie have a crush on Jin oppa...
JK : Ohhh-What!?
Me : Yapp
JK : What a coincidence, Jin hyung also have a crush on Nayeon noona!!
Me : Jinja!? Now it will be more easier for me to take a revenge on her..
JK : Why don't we make them together? How about it?
Me : Sure! but I guess after they got together, she would probably mention his name 24 hours in the dorm
JK : Chill, your members might be like us, lots of crackhead
Me : hahahahahahahaahahaah

We keep laughing and joking around until 8 pm. I feel kinda tired and lay my head at oppa shoulder, I don't know why I did that.

Jungkook POV

I was shocked when she suddenly lay her head at my shoulder, I was so happy-what's going on with me these days.....Yapp Tzuyu is my crush. When she did that, I falling for her deeper but I don't know if she likes me back....

I then lay my head on top of her head and we enjoyed the scenery. Remember when We suddenly bumped each other at back stage? After I know its Tzuyu, I was happy that finally I have a chance to talk to my crush but when the news came out about us, I was scared that Tzuyu will hate me or avoid me but I was wrong.

Today I decided to spend my time with her because I want to get to know her more. I know a little bit about because Yugyeom told me. My hyungs didn't know that Tzuyu is my crush or even twice. I keep this secret between me and yuggie since 2016.

It's getting late now, so we decided to went back to our because our leader is going to kill us. While we're walking towards my car, Tzuyu looks tired and sleepy that makes her can't walk properly. So I decided to hold her hands to prevent her from falling.

Her face is red as tomato that makes her look cute. I took my car key, started the engine and drive to her dorm. It took about 5 minutes and Tzuyu already sleep, I was actually hesitate to wake her up so I decided to carry her bridal style.

I knocked at the door and saw Jihyo noona, I asked Jihyo noona where's her room and she brings me there and I place her at her bed. I kissed her forehead before leaving her room. I walked out and bow to her members and walked to my car and drive back to my dorm.

A smiled appeared at my face...

"You make me fall for you deeper, Chou Tzuyu"

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