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Tzuyu POV

Finally, today we have no schedule and no practice!!!! I'm gonna take a rest for a whole day but first I need to do my morning routine first, wait for a sec...

I don't how to face Momo unnie today, you can't believe just happened yesterday. Remember I said to Jihyo Unnie to stop buying Jokbal? Let me tell you what you...


When were on the way home, Momo unnie started to do aegyo at me and I was getting annoyed by it since I don't really like aegyo. She's been doing it for like 5 minutes without giving up since I can't take it anymore I just ask her

Me: Yahhh unnie, what's wrong with you!?
Momo : Tzuyu ahhh, please tell jihyo to buy me jokbal *Pouting*
Me : Of course NO, and please stop doing aegyo because it will never worked on me
Momo : pweesshhhh~~~
Mina : Tzuyu ahh, you better stop her before I vomited here...
Me : Need a paper bag?
Mina : Sure
Momo : Yahhhh!! You two are so meann~~~
*She started whining like a baby*
Me : You better stop that before I tell Jihyo unnie not to buy you any jokbal for years
Momo : But-
Me : No buts, just sit down and wait until we get back home!
Momo : Fine!!
Mina : *Laughing*

We finally arrived home and saw all my unnie watching movies. When they realised we're home, they asked us to take a rest and watch movies with them. I was about to went to my room but suddenly jihyo unnie called me

Jihyo : Tzu!!
Me : Nae?
Jihyo : Is there something going on with Momo? because she keep pouting and looked at me like she was begging something...
Me : Remember when I called you that don't buy any jokbal? for real I did that on purpose since she embarrassed me in front of the boys...
Jihyo : What!? Does that mean it wasn't a command by pdnim?
Me : Nope
Jihyo : Yahhh Tzu, you can't do that to your unnie
Me : I already warned her before calling you, now I'm freaking tired. See you tomorrow morning
Jihyo : But-

Before unnie finish her words, I already ran to my room and quickly take a shower. I kind of felt bad at Momo unnie but she started it first and there's no turning back time.


That's what happened and now I guess she's going to do aegyo again and I HATE IT. I went down stairs and make breakfast for them. I was getting boring waiting for them to woke up so I decided to watch a movie.

Then a message pop out at my phone screen and for my surprise it was Jungkook oppa!?


Annyeong Tzuyu ssi!!

Oh! Annyeong oppa! What's up?

Just getting bored...

Same!! Since today we don't have any scheduled, they really want to spent their time by sleeping

Same, the oldest always like this lol

Maybe because they keep getting older day by day

Hahahaha, wanna hang out with me after lunch?

Sure! I rather went out than stayed in here like a statue

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