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Tzuyu POV

Everyone already collapsed on the floor because of the tiredness, the choreography that Momo unnie and Hoseok oppa made was super hard. We've been practicing for 30 minutes without a rest....

I want to take my water bottle but I'm too tired to take it, suddenly Jungkook oppa call me, "Tzu..." I look at him, "Here..." he gave me my water, "Thanks oppa" I said and drank it. "The choreography is super hard tho, how can those two can do that easily" I said, "No wonder why they are the main dancer" Jungkook oppa said.

While me and Jungkook resting, I saw Mina unnie and Jimin oppa talking and laughing and to be honest they look like a couple. I'm shocked because Mina, the quietest unnie that really shy to talk with boy. I tap jungkook oppa shoulder and point at the couple.

"Do you feel something suspicious about them?" I said while smirked at the couple, "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Oppa said and smirked at me. "Let's do it" I said, you know what we're thinking? we're going to tease them. I was actually planning to get a revenge at Jimin oppa because last time he tease me in front of everyone.

Jungkook POV
We went close to them but not to close. Then we started to talk about them loud enough for everyone to hear, "Tzuyu ahh, do you smell something?" I ask her while smiling, "Yapp, I smell LOVE in the air.." she said the love word teasingly, this girl is unbelievable!

"You know, sometimes I wonder if they are friends or MORE than friends" I said, while looking at their direction, their face is so red lol, "Maybe more than that" Tzuyu said.

Both of them looks like they are about to explode and shout at us, "YAHH!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU TWO!!" me and Tzu close our ears because of the loud shout, "Oppa, they even shout at the same time!!" Tzuyu shout, "Maybe they're meant to be together" I said teasingly.

Then they got up and started to chase us, "Yahhh, Oppa unnie, we're sorry!!" Tzuyu screamed trying to escape from them. 'Tzuyu, do your aegyo to stop them' I whispered at her, she nodded and we stopped.

When they are about to hit us, Tzuyu do an aegyo and of course they can't resist. "Fine. You two are lucky today" they said and went back to rest as we. We high five and went back to rest.

After 1 hour~

"Finally it's over~" I said and laid on the floor. I heard some giggled from the girls.
"Btw let's go eat, I'm so hungry~" Momo noona said while pouting, I heard hobi hyung mumbled cute,I'm gonna tease him later.

"You always hungry unnie" Mina noona and Tzuyu said looking annoyed. Momo noona just rolled her eyes and getting ready to leave. Didn't know these girls are just like us. "Let's go then, make sure wear your mask girls" Jimin hyung said and we went out.

Since we told our driver to pick us up at 2 and right now is 1 pm, so we decided to walk to the restaurant and it seems just near the jyp building. After 2 minutes walking, we arrived at the restaurant and went in the VIP room to prevent from fans caught us.

We ordered our food and wait. Everyone seems tired that's why we're just silent. Since it getting boring, I started the conversation with Tzuyu.

JK : Hey Tzu, are you nervous for next month collab stage
TY : Of course, who wouldn't. I always nervous, unlike these unnie...
She pointed at her two unnie, and they laugh at her...
MM : Jungkook ssi, if you wanna know, when she did a mistake at stage her face looks so cute and funny.. hahahahah
TY : You're so dead after we went back home....
MM : Like I'm scared.. hahahah
TY : Fine then!

When momo noona still laughing, Tzuyu quickly take her and dialed someone and then she opens it into loud speaker...

??? : Hello, Tzu wae?
TY : Jihyo unnie!!
JH : Do you need help maknae?
TY : Yess, I want you to stop buying Jokbal for one month since we're going to have collab stage and I don't Momo unnie to eat something that can make her fat, JYP command
Momo noona widened her eyes, she was about to talk but Tzuyu covered her mouth. We laughed at them
JH : Jinja? Okay then, btw back home safely, bye Tzu!!
TY : Nae, Bye unnie!!

Then she hung up and removed her hand from noona mouth...

"Yahhh!!! Tzuyu!!!, I can't live without Jokbal!!!" She shout at Tzuyu but she just close her ear, "You deserved it unnie, that's why next time don't mess with the wrong person" Looks like she have the same attitude like me, you know being mean to our oldest lol.

Momo noona gave up and pout at her sits, "Now unnie you better behave like a mature girl, you just embarrassed yourself in front of them" Tzuyu said and point at us, me and hyungs laughed at their behaviour.

The food had arrived and we ate while chit-chat, guess what? We're like best friends already and that make us comfortable around each other. I also started to get known about Tzuyu and I admit that she's beautiful in person even without makeup.

Today we treated the girl because they're so kind towards us. We then bid goodbye and went back to our dorm. When we opened the door, all my hyungs is watching TV.

I quickly went to my room to take a shower and wear something comfy,then lay at my bed because of the tiredness. My eyes getting heavier and I decided to take a nap....

Today is the best day ever...

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